5 Reasons Why You’re Not Getting Interview Calls

Misna V.K.
Oct 2, 20234 minutes read

Job search is a continuous process. It could be highly disappointing for job seekers if they don’t get calls for interviews despite of making every possible effort. Are you one of them?
Before we deep dive into the possible reasons to find out why you are not getting a response from recruiters, we would like to state that not getting shortlisted or selected is not a yardstick of your potential! It is a chance for you to revisit the way you have been applying or approaching the recruiters. Knowing the reasons why your job application wasn't shortlisted will help you prepare better and secure a good offer.


Let’s begin:

1. A change in the company’s process or requirements.

At times, a company may undergo some internal changes that bring a delay in the overall hiring process and things come to a halt. Since these are confidential developments for the company, they cannot be communicated to the applicants or prospective candidates. You’re advised to follow up with the HR, preferably via an email and understand the status of your application or the given position. Use a clear subject line, be polite in your message and keep it short and professional.

2. The company has got a better fit.

Usually, companies invite multiple job applications for a vacancy and use a tracking system to filter the most suitable application. There might be a chance that the company has got a candidate whose professional credentials are better aligned with what it was looking for and your application is filtered out.

While applying for any job, you must ensure mentioning the relevant keywords in your cover letter or job application. Read the job description thoroughly and list the recruiter’s requirements. Only apply for the jobs that you qualified for and add relevant skills as per that job on your CV. Here is how you can create a professional cover letter that can help you land a job.

3. You are overqualified for the job.

Well, another possibility to have not been selected could be your experience. You might have applied for a role that you’re overqualified for. This makes hiring managers skeptical and they may feel that you’re using this job opportunity as a temporary gig until a more senior position opens up elsewhere.

At the same time, applying for a step down position is a bad career choice and you might find yourself stuck in a monotonous role despite having got the job. It is good to wait for the right opportunity than getting caught in a bad role.

4. Your salary is on a higher side.

Your competition might have a better work experience, lower salary or better brands on their CV and you didn’t get through beyond the resume selection. Since recruiters are often overburdened with lot of applications, they don’t have the bandwidth to update each candidate or don’t like to break news to applicants. Contrary, we advise you to apply for jobs that meet your salary expectations and aligns with the market average in your industry.

5. Your job application needs a rehash.

You might not have shown your skills in a way that speaks about you as a potential candidate for a role – that you are otherwise well suited for. Either your job application or your CV must strongly demonstrate your qualification, experience, skills and achievements. Enhance your resume with a nicely written career objective and bring out all the relevant things to get the hiring manager's attention.

How Naukrigulf Can Help?

Get a free resume evaluation from Naukrigulf resume writing experts. They can help you know where you resume stands amongst your competition and how you can make it better. The team scores your resume on the basis of 25+ parameters & benchmarks against other job seekers and you get an instant resume score. If it’s high, great! If the score is low, you can get detail feedback from our expert to fix the issues.

Additionally, we suggest you to keep updating your resume on Naukrigulf to stay connected with the right opportunities. You can also create job alerts to be notified about the most relevant jobs that match your skills and experience. Don't have an account yet? Create it now and get started.

Misna V.K.

HR Blogger

Misna is a seasoned writer and content creator with over 7 years of experience in the field. She is the author of this continually updated career advice blog, serves as an empowering beacon for professional growth, offering readers a wealth of invaluable insights and guidance.

Member since Mar 15, 2021

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