6 Popular Motivational Interview Questions (Samples Included)

Misna V.K.
Nov 1, 20236 minutes read

By now, we all know a recruiter has many types of interview questions to test a candidate. Motivational questions are one of them.

Motivational interview questions help individuals explore their motivations and increase their commitment to change.

These questions aim to elicit an individual's intrinsic motivation and allow the recruiter to understand a candidate better and whether they will fit the company.

In this article, we will provide 6 popular motivational interview questions and sample answers to help you prepare for your upcoming job interview.

How do you define success?

The ultimate motive of any recruiter is to understand your honest take on your career. So, when they ask, "How do you define success?" answer honestly.

You can even discuss how your concept of success has changed over time. This will help the recruiter understand your growth better.

"When I started as a Junior Copy Editor, I always thought success would be delivering the maximum number of error-free articles in an hour. But with time, I considered success to be able to deliver quality articles with a proper feedback and relevant to the audience. I realized for the site traffic to improve, we needed to deliver articles that would be unique yet satisfy our target audience."

Can you describe to me the work environment that makes you most productive?

The work environment plays a very critical role in an employee's productivity. Therefore, when a recruiter asks this motivational interview question, they want to understand how they can help you to be more productive in the team.

So, discuss the factors that help you to improve your productivity, like office culture, assignments, team culture, etc. Here's how you can answer this motivational interview question;

"I noticed that I thrive best when there isn't any micro-management and have the freedom to voice my opinion. I prefer healthy communication within the team as it helps to function together efficiently."

Would you rather work in an ideal environment with low pay or a less ideal environment for more pay?

Both work culture and salary are crucial to an employee's enthusiasm. Through this motivational question, the recruiter can determine the ideal factor that can help you feel motivated at work.

So, before answering such motivational interview questions think thoroughly about the question. Here's how you can answer;

"Work environment and money, both play a critical part for an employee. I have had previous experience working in a less ideal environment for a higher salary and it did not sit very well with me. I believe work satisfaction means a lot more to me.
So, I would prefer an ideal environment as it will help in my productivity and as for money? I am sure the company will recognize the quality of my work and remunerate me according to market standards."

Tell me about a time you thought you'd miss a deadline. How did you resolve it?

When answering this motivational question, it is important to provide a specific example from your professional or academic experience.

Begin by describing the situation and why you thought you might miss the deadline. Be honest about any mistakes or misjudgments you made leading up to the deadline.

Next, explain how you resolved the situation. Did you communicate with your supervisor or team members? Did you prioritize your tasks differently or work extra hours to meet the deadline?

Be sure to highlight any problem-solving skills or teamwork abilities you utilized to overcome the obstacle and meet the deadline successfully.

“A while back, I was working on a project for my previous employer that had a fairly tight deadline. I was responsible for a significant portion of the work, but I encountered a major issue when one of the key components I was relying on failed to work as expected. This setback threw off my timeline, and I was worried that I wouldn't be able to meet the deadline.
To resolve the issue, I took a step back and assessed the situation. I realized that I needed to come up with a creative solution to get back on track. I started brainstorming with my colleagues and eventually came up with a workaround that would allow me to complete the work on time, albeit with a slightly different approach than originally planned.
I immediately communicated the situation and my solution to my team lead, and they agreed that it was the best course of action. From there, I worked diligently to complete the project within the deadline, even putting in some extra hours to ensure that everything was completed to the highest standard possible.
In the end, despite the setback, I was able to deliver the project on time and to the satisfaction of my employer. This experience taught me the importance of staying calm under pressure, thinking creatively, and communicating effectively with my team.”

Are you self-motivated?

When answering the question "Are you self-motivated?" it's important to provide specific examples of times when you have demonstrated self-motivation in the past.

This could include discussing personal projects you've taken on, times when you've exceeded expectations in your current or previous roles, or instances where you've gone above and beyond to achieve a goal without being prompted or incentivized.

It's also important to explain why you are motivated and how you stay motivated over time.

“Yes, I am self-motivated. I thrive on setting and achieving goals, and I have a strong inner drive to succeed. I am disciplined, organized, and focused, which helps me stay on track even when faced with obstacles. I take ownership of my work and strive to continually improve myself and my performance.”

Do external factors impact your motivation or ability to complete your work by given deadlines?

When answering this motivational question it's important, to be honest, and specific about any factors that may affect your productivity.

These could include personal or family issues, technical difficulties, or even the workload from other projects.

It's also important to emphasize any steps you've taken to mitigate these challenges and ensure you meet your deadlines, such as effective time management, communication with colleagues, or seeking support when needed.

“Yes, sometimes unexpected family emergencies or health issues can affect my motivation and ability to complete work on time. Therefore, I prioritize my tasks, communicate with my team, and seek assistance when necessary. I also try to maintain a healthy work-life balance and take breaks to avoid burnout.”


The best way to answer these motivational interview questions confidently is to practice.

Conduct mock interviews with your family members or trusted friends as this will help you build confidence.

Understandably it is not possible to gauge all the motivational questions and practice. So, when answering, take a few seconds to gather your thoughts and answer honestly.

All the Best!

Misna V.K.

HR Blogger

Misna is a seasoned writer and content creator with over 7 years of experience in the field. She is the author of this continually updated career advice blog, serves as an empowering beacon for professional growth, offering readers a wealth of invaluable insights and guidance.

Member since Mar 15, 2021

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