#EmbraceEquity on International Women's Day 2023

Misna V.K.
Oct 23, 20238 minutes read

Gender disparity has always been an issue in our society. But with time, we have all made collective and conscious efforts to establish equality. To celebrate the spirit of equality and womanhood, we observe International Women’s Day on 8th March globally.

After years of constant struggle, some women have emerged as leaders and made their mark but most are still fighting for equal rights. Those close to success often have to cross several bridges before getting their due.

As we strive to build a world free from bias, discrimination, and disparity, there is a growing need to prioritize equal access to opportunities and resources.

But is it enough?

As we commemorate the equal participation of women in society on this International Women’s Day, it’s time to #EmbraceEquity.

What is Equity?

Equity is all about fairness; It promotes providing the resources and opportunities an individual need to be successful instead of giving everyone the same resources irrespective of their social, political, economic, and physical status.

Embracing equity is accepting that everyone is not the same and that people start from different positions and require varying resources and opportunities.

Why do we need to #EmbraceEquity?

Establishing gender equality in our society is a movement in itself, and while we have a long way to go, there has been some improvement.

However, it is not enough! Equality provides equal resources and opportunities to everyone but overlooks the background and context of the person in question.

The road to success is very different for women, and equality often fails to provide a level playing field, even when it offers equal chances. Equity recognizes this gap and provides what people need to become successful.

Recognizing the support and policies needed by women from different backgrounds is truly embracing equity, and this can differ in many ways.

While focusing on women, equity is subjective- the support required by a woman working in a third-world country is significantly different from a woman working in a first-world country.

Equity considers all this and creates the best environment for women to grow, making it more helpful and relevant than equality.

Embracing gender equity promotes a healthy environment and provides meaningful growth opportunities!

Difference between Equality and Equity?

Women have long struggled for equality, but those who have achieved it recognize that it is no longer sufficient! Women, in general, are thought to deserve equality and to be given the same opportunities and resources as men.

While giving everyone the same resources may seem fair, it frequently ignores the unique circumstances of women from different places, which does not promote true equality. Equity, however, can bridge this chasm.

To summarise, equality is the provision of equal resources and opportunities to all people, and equity recognizes individual circumstances and promotes the allocation of resources and opportunities to achieve equal status.

How to #EmbraceEquity?

Here are some ways you can embrace equity on Women's Day:

1. Educate yourself

Learn about the history of IWD and the ongoing struggles for gender equity. Read articles, books, and blogs about women's rights and gender issues.

2. Support women-led initiatives

Attend events, buy products, and invest in women-led initiatives and projects. Support women-led initiatives and businesses by attending events, buying products, and investing in their projects.

3. Speak out against discrimination

Speak out against sexism, misogyny, and other forms of gender-based discrimination. Challenge harmful stereotypes and behaviors in your personal and professional life.

4. Advocate for policies that promote equity

Advocate for gender equity policies that promote gender equity, such as equal pay for equal work, access to healthcare, and equal opportunities in education and the workplace.

5. Mentor and empower other women

If you are in a position to help women grow, make sure you mentor and support other women in your community or workplace, particularly marginalized or underrepresented women. This will not only help them find the right direction, but will also expedite their success journey.

6. Amplify the voices of women

Use your platform to amplify women's voices, particularly those who are marginalized or underrepresented. Share their stories and perspectives, and make spaces for their voices.

7. Challenge gender roles and expectations

Challenge traditional gender roles and expectations, which often limit women's opportunities and perpetuate harmful stereotypes. Encourage women and girls to pursue their passions and goals, regardless of what is considered "appropriate" for their gender.

8. Address intersectional issues

Recognise that gender discrimination intersects with other forms of discrimination, such as racism, ableism, and homophobia. Take action to address these intersectional issues and support women who face multiple forms of discrimination.

9. Foster a culture of inclusion

Foster an inclusive culture in your personal and professional life, where all individuals feel valued and supported. Create spaces where everyone can participate and thrive, regardless of gender, race, ethnicity, or other factors.

10. Take care of yourself and others

Embracing equity can be emotionally and mentally draining, and it's important to practice self-care for yourself and others. Support others in your community experiencing gender discrimination or other forms of oppression.


Remember that embracing equity is a long-term and collective effort. We can contribute to a more equitable and just world for all women by actively engaging in our lives and communities. Remember that embracing equity is a continuous process of ongoing effort and dedication. We can work towards a more equitable and just world for all women by taking action on Women's Day and beyond.

Misna V.K.

HR Blogger

Misna is a seasoned writer and content creator with over 7 years of experience in the field. She is the author of this continually updated career advice blog, serves as an empowering beacon for professional growth, offering readers a wealth of invaluable insights and guidance.

Member since Mar 15, 2021

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