Full Stack Web Development: The Skill That Gets You Hired!

Misna V.K.
Nov 2, 20236 minutes read

With over 50,000 active jobs cutting across industries, Full Stack web development has emerged as one of the most in-demand skills today’s times.

Having realized the importance of Full-Stack, many companies are employing Full-Stack developers who can work on popular web and mobile stacks such as MEAN Stack, MERN Stack, React Native, and Xamarin.

The key reason for this trend is largely attributed to the fact that Full Stack engineers can take complete ownership of a project from back-end to front-end from start to finish.

In simpler terms, it translates to the fact that Full Stack web developers can work on server side programming, databases, user facing website components, and even coordinate with product and business people to understand requirements.

This breadth of skill set lends flexibility and speed to the team, which is why more and more companies are looking for Full-Stack engineers.

Developers have responded well by actively moving their expertise beyond one programming language, and gaining skills like databases, front end technologies, popular web-app frameworks, UX design fundamentals, and even project management.

Let’s summarise the key skills required to become a Full-Stack developer:

  • Front-end development- focus on JavaScript.

  • Back end programming including web servers, search engines, APIs, and related developmental tools. (server side languages including python, PHP, Node.js)

  • Server management, including remote server connection maintenance, groups and users management, security concerns, firewalls, software updates and installation management.

  • Cloud computing.

  • Databases, such as MySQL, and NoSQL such as Cassandra or MongoDB.

  • Version control.

User interfaces and user experience best practices.

Building skills for Full Stack development

The journey starts with an understanding of basic programming concepts (with or without formal education) and a thorough understanding of Data Structure and Algorithms.

Post which, one can extend their knowledge by learning popular Full Stack technologies.

Let’s start with the list of top programming languages that a Full Stack developer could learn:

  • 1 programming language for back-end like Python, PHP, Ruby.

  • HTML and CSS.

  • Javascript.

  • MEAN stack (Mongo DB, Express JS, Angular JS, Node JS).

  • Kotlin or Swift (for mobile apps.

There is no single path to becoming a Full Stack developer.

A lot of Full Stack developers are self-taught- making use of open websites and tutorials and learning on the job.

Many camps have also started training engineers and non-engineers for Full Stack web development.

Let’s take a look at the merits of choosing a professional certificate course against going on your own.

First and foremost, saving years

One can spend years without building adequate skills due to lack of motivation, focus, or time.

A dedicated course can help you gain the desired skills in 6 months.

Working on_ real-world projects

It is a key aspect of mastering technology.

Writing theoretical code versus working on real-life projects is a key difference specially in terms of employability.

Getting feedback from experts

When you learn on your own, it is very difficult to get feedback on your mistakes.

In a good course, your code gets reviewed by experts so that you start writing industry-ready code.

Learning industry best practices

One more mistake that people do is that they learn to write code but don’t have experience of writing production ready code working in teams.

A good way to do that is by contributing to open source technologies.

This is another thing that you can learn through a professional course.

Placement assistance

Career growth is one key motivation for developers to go Full-stack.

Top Full Stack courses, like the one shared below, have a strong placement program to help you get the career boost.

It is an intensive training program designed to empower learners with the right skillset and mindset of an automation engineer, UI developer, and MEAN/MERN stack developer leading to a Full Stack developer.

This is an online live instructor-led training program of 160 hours.

It is divided across 20 weeks and with 8 hours of on weekends.

Project assignments and practice sessions are held on weekdays.

Key Highlights

  • Placement Assistance upon successful program completion.
  • Practice on cloud programming platform and AWS platform.
  • 6+ projects on the real-world scenario for problem solving and assignments.
  • 160 hours of training and practice by industry experts.
  • 1 Month of capstone project & mentorship.
  • Learn to construct software block by block using core technologies like Selenium testing, JavaScript Technologies, and Full Stack Technologies.
  • Learn to build Cloud-Native Applications and use DevOps tools to drive developers and Ops team.
  • Develop robust applications using Spring Boot and Microservices.
  • Create, deploy and run applications using a container like Docker.
Misna V.K.

HR Blogger

Misna is a seasoned writer and content creator with over 7 years of experience in the field. She is the author of this continually updated career advice blog, serves as an empowering beacon for professional growth, offering readers a wealth of invaluable insights and guidance.

Member since Mar 15, 2021

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