"How Did You Hear About This Position?" Sample Answers

Misna V.K.
Nov 1, 20236 minutes read

How Did You Hear About This Position?

I'm sure you have been asked this question before. Most of us answer this in one word and just talk about the source where we learned about the job posting. But have you ever wondered why does this matter to a recruiter?

From finding jobs on Reddit to getting dates on professional networking sites, we have come a long way! Today, we can find opportunities from many sources and may be looking there for several reasons.

Recruiters ask this common interview question to understand your job hunting process, making it crucial to prepare for you to know how to answer this.

Not sure how to go about it? We have you covered!

In this article, we share 10 sample answers to the question "How did you hear about this position", with tips to answer effectively.

Check out the resources that will help you answer these questions at the end of this article!

Let’s get started!

“How did you hear about this position?” Sample Answers

Here are some possible answers to “How did you hear about this position?”

Naukri.com (Job Boards)

Sample answer 1

I have been looking for job opportunities suitable to my skills for about three months now. After applying to several job roles across various platforms, I finally saw this role on Naukri. I read the job description, and it was the perfect fit! I realized I have the skills and experience needed, and that I can see potential room for growth here. So, I applied immediately, and here I am.

Sample answer 2

I came across this role on a job website, I have been actively seeking a good opportunity for 3+ months, and this position immediately caught my attention. Once I read the job description and did my research, I knew I would be a good fit here.

As you prepare to answer the question How Did You Hear About This Position?, you can also look at Stress interview questions.


Sample answer 3

I heard about this opportunity through a former colleague who knew I was job hunting. They told me about the amazing work you do here and recommended that I apply, seeing how this job could be the right fit for me. I appreciated the referral and decided to find out more about the position. Once I saw the job description, I understood what they meant and decided to apply.

Sample answer 4

I heard about this job opportunity through a referral from a college friend. They mentioned that they are happy working at your company. As the conversation unraveled, they told me about this job opening. I am seeking a new opportunity, so, I was excited to learn more. After going through your vision and mission statements, I am convinced that your company can provide an environment of growth. This appealed to me the most. Plus, my skills and experience match your job description, making it a win-win!

Company website

Sample answer 5

I found this job opening on your company website. I was exploring the best tech companies in Delhi when I came across your website. The mission statement instantly clicked, and I was curious to find a suitable role here. On diving deeper, I found the careers page and applied for this position.

How did you hear about this position isn't the only HR interview question to prepare for an interview. Find more here!

Social media

Sample answer 6

I follow your handle on social media and came across this position there. I saw a post about the open position about a week ago, and on searching more, I felt that it was a good fit for me and would help me achieve my career goals.

Sample answer 7

I’m a part of a Facebook community for job seekers where someone from your company posted about this position with the job description. As a practice, I always do thorough research about the company. Your vision aligns with my career goals, which intrigued me to apply for this position.


Sample answer 8

I heard about this position through one of the recruiters working here. They found my profile on Naukri (mention the source if you know) and called me regarding this role. After reviewing the job description and researching the company, I applied and heard back from your talent acquisition team.


Sample answer 9

I was at a networking event in Delhi when I met Ms. D, I think she is a manager in your company. We got to talking, and I told her I was looking for a new opportunity. After hearing more about my skills and experience, she suggested I apply for this role. I went home and explored further about the work you do, the vision, etc., which made applying to this job role a no-brainer for me.

Sample answer 10

I heard about this position through my professional network. I realized early on that networking is a powerful tool, and have been building my network since. I like connecting with like-minded people. So, I keep attending career fairs, industry events, conferences, etc. I mentioned at one such event that I was looking for a job, and one of my peers who works at this company mentioned this particular role and encouraged me to apply.

Prepare to answer How Did You Hear About This Position with this master guide on how to answer interview questions?

How to answer How did you hear about this position? (and other interview questions)

Answering interview questions can be nerve-wracking, and the only saving grace can be your confidence. However, confidence comes with practice. So here are some other articles you can read as you prepare to answer the interview question “How did you hear about this position?”

Misna V.K.

HR Blogger

Misna is a seasoned writer and content creator with over 7 years of experience in the field. She is the author of this continually updated career advice blog, serves as an empowering beacon for professional growth, offering readers a wealth of invaluable insights and guidance.

Member since Mar 15, 2021

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