How to Answer “Tell Me Something That Is Not in Your Resume”

Misna V.K.
Nov 1, 20237 minutes read

In job interviews, candidates are often thrown off guard by the question, "Tell me something that is not in your resume."

It's a query that aims to uncover unique aspects of your personality, experiences, or skills beyond what's listed on paper.

To effectively tackle this unexpected question and leave a lasting impression on the interviewer, preparation is key.

In this blog, we will provide valuable insights and practical tips to help you craft compelling responses that highlight your strengths, showcase your individuality, and demonstrate your fit for the role.

Get ready to ace this HR interview question and stand out from the competition!

Why do recruiters ask "Tell me something that is not in your resume"?

Recruiters often ask candidates to share something that is not mentioned in their resume for a few key reasons:

  • Assessing Communication Skills: By asking this question, recruiters want to evaluate your ability to articulate information verbally and think on your feet. It helps them gauge how well you can express yourself and communicate effectively beyond what is already documented in your resume.
  • Uncovering Hidden Strengths: Resumes tend to focus on professional experiences, education, and skills. However, recruiters may be interested in uncovering additional qualities or talents that could be valuable for the role. By asking for something, not on your resume, they hope to discover unique strengths, achievements, or personal attributes that may set you apart from other candidates.
  • Cultural Fit and Personal Interests: Recruiters are also interested in understanding your personality, interests, and how well you might fit into the company culture. Sharing something personal can give them insights into your hobbies, passions, or community involvement, which may contribute to your compatibility with the team or organization.
  • Testing Preparation and Self-Awareness: This question is often used to gauge how well-prepared and self-aware you are as a candidate. It demonstrates your ability to think beyond the standard interview questions and provide thoughtful, authentic responses. It also shows your level of self-reflection and ability to highlight relevant aspects of your life or experiences.

When answering this question, consider sharing a brief, impactful story or accomplishment that showcases your strengths, demonstrates your ability to overcome challenges, or highlights a unique aspect of your character.

It should ideally be relevant to the position or company you are applying to, reinforcing why you are a good fit for the role.

Tips to answer "Tell me something that is not in your resume"

Here are seven unique tips to help you answer the question, "Tell me something that is not in your resume":

Personal Passion Project

Share an interesting personal project or hobby that you're passionate about. It could be creating a podcast, writing a novel, or developing a mobile app.

Highlight the skills you've gained or the challenges you've overcome through this pursuit and how they relate to the job you're applying for.

Impactful Volunteer Experience

Discuss a meaningful volunteer experience that left a significant impact on your life.

Talk about the organization you volunteered with, the role you played, and the positive outcomes you achieved.

Emphasize the transferable skills you gained and how they can be applied to the position you're seeking.

Language or Cultural Proficiency

If you speak a second language fluently or have lived in another country, mention it.

Highlight the cultural understanding, adaptability, and communication skills you developed as a result. This can be particularly valuable if the role involves working with diverse teams or international clients.

Leadership in Professional Associations

If you've held leadership roles or actively participated in professional associations relevant to your field, mention them.

Describe the responsibilities you undertook, the initiatives you led, and any accomplishments you achieved. This demonstrates your commitment to professional growth and involvement beyond your regular work responsibilities.

Unique Training or Certifications

If you have completed any specialized training or obtained certifications outside of your formal education, discuss them.

Explain how these additional qualifications have expanded your knowledge, enhanced your skill set, or positioned you as an expert in a specific area.

Adversity and Resilience

Share a story that highlights your resilience and ability to overcome challenges. Describe a difficult situation you faced, such as a setback or obstacle, and explain how you managed to navigate through it.

Focus on the lessons learned and how it has shaped your approach to work and problem-solving.

Recognition or Awards

If you have received any notable recognition or awards for your achievements, mention them. It could be an industry-specific accolade, an employee recognition award, or any other form of acknowledgment.

Highlight the reasons behind the recognition and how it reflects your dedication and expertise in your field.

Remember, the key is to choose something that adds value to your candidacy and aligns with the job requirements.

Emphasize the skills, qualities, or experiences that make you unique and showcase your potential as a candidate.

How NOT to answer "Tell me something that is not in your resume"

Here are some tips on how to avoid pitfalls when answering the interview question, "Tell me something that is not in your resume":

  • Don't Provide Irrelevant or Trivial Information: Avoid sharing irrelevant or trivial details  irrelevant to the position or the company. Stay focused on information that adds value to your candidacy and showcases your skills or experiences.
  • Avoid Sharing Personal or Sensitive Information: While the question encourages you to provide insights beyond your resume, maintain professionalism. Avoid sharing personal or sensitive information that is inappropriate for the interview setting. Keep the focus on professional aspects that are relevant to the job.
  • Steer Clear of Negative Experiences: Do not discuss negative experiences or failures when answering this question. The purpose is to highlight your strengths and positive attributes. Instead, choose something that showcases your accomplishments, growth, or unique qualities.
  • Don't Ramble or Provide Excessive Detail: Keep your response concise and focused. Avoid rambling or providing excessive detail that may lose the interviewer's attention. Practice beforehand to ensure you deliver a clear and well-structured answer within a reasonable timeframe.
  • Don't Repeat Information Already in Your Resume: The question specifically asks for something not mentioned in your resume. Avoid repeating information that is already documented in your application materials. Use this opportunity to showcase additional aspects of your background, skills, or experiences.
  • Avoid Controversial or Polarizing Topics: Avoid discussing controversial or polarizing topics that may create unnecessary tension or conflict. Remember that the interview is a professional setting, and it's important to maintain a positive and respectful tone throughout your response.
  • Don't Fabricate or Exaggerate Information: Be honest and genuine in your response. Avoid fabricating or exaggerating information to make yourself appear more impressive. Interviewers value authenticity, and dishonesty can undermine your credibility.

By keeping these tips in mind, you can provide a focused and relevant response that highlights your strengths and contributes positively to your overall interview performance.

Sample answers to “Tell me something that is not in your resume”

Sample Answer#1:

"Outside of my professional life, I'm an avid mountaineer. Over the past few years, I have summited several challenging peaks, including Mount Kilimanjaro and Mount Everest Base Camp.

This experience has taught me the value of perseverance, teamwork, and strategic planning. I believe these qualities directly translate into my work ethic and problem-solving abilities."

Sample Answer #2:

"One thing you won't find on my resume is my involvement in a nonprofit organization that focuses on environmental conservation.

As a passionate advocate for sustainability, I've been actively volunteering with them for the past two years. I've led community awareness campaigns, organized tree-planting initiatives, and conducted educational workshops on reducing carbon footprints.

This commitment reflects my dedication to making a positive impact beyond the workplace."

Sample Answer #3:

"In addition to my professional background, I have a deep interest in photography.

I love capturing moments and telling stories through images. I have even had the opportunity to exhibit some of my work in local galleries.

This creative outlet has helped me develop an eye for detail, visual communication skills, and the ability to find unique perspectives—a skill set that translates into my approach to problem-solving and creative thinking in the workplace."

Sample Answer #4:

"Beyond my resume, I'm a certified yoga instructor. I completed my training a few years ago and have since been teaching yoga classes on weekends.

This practice has taught me valuable lessons in mindfulness, stress management, and maintaining a healthy work-life balance.

It allows me to bring a calm and centered approach to my professional life, enhancing my focus and overall well-being."

Sample Answer #5:

"Something you may not know about me from my resume is my involvement in a local mentorship program for underprivileged youth.

I have been mentoring high school students for the past year, providing guidance, and academic support, and helping them explore potential career paths.

This experience has reinforced my commitment to social responsibility and my passion for empowering others to reach their full potential."

Remember to tailor your response based on your own unique experiences, skills, and interests. These sample answers provide a starting point, but it's essential to personalize your response to showcase your strengths and qualities relevant to the job you're interviewing for.


Mastering the art of answering the question, "Tell me something that is not in your resume," can significantly boost your chances of landing your dream job.

By following the tips and strategies outlined in this blog, you can confidently navigate this unexpected inquiry and showcase your unique qualities and experiences.

Remember to choose anecdotes or insights that align with the job requirements and emphasize your strengths.

Through thoughtful preparation and genuine storytelling, you'll leave a memorable impression on the interviewer and increase your chances of securing that coveted position.

So, embrace the opportunity to go beyond your resume and let your authentic self shine during your next interview.

Good luck!

Misna V.K.

HR Blogger

Misna is a seasoned writer and content creator with over 7 years of experience in the field. She is the author of this continually updated career advice blog, serves as an empowering beacon for professional growth, offering readers a wealth of invaluable insights and guidance.

Member since Mar 15, 2021

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