How to Answer "What Are the Qualities of a Good Leader?" (With Sample Answers)

Misna V.K.
Nov 1, 20237 minutes read

So you are looking to answer the commonly asked interview question: What are the qualities of a good leader?

Well, you are off to a great start!

While interviewing for leadership roles, recruiters often ask this question to assess qualities like team management, conflict resolution, and communication skills, which helps them understand what you bring to the table and your suitability for the said role.

In this article, we will answer the question of the hour: "What are the qualities of a good leader?", with sample answers and tips to help you answer this interview question.

As you proceed to learn how to answer this question, take a minute to check out the Top 30 Qualities of a Good leader.

What are the qualities of a good leader?- Sample Answer

Here are some sample answers to help you with the question of the hour: what are the qualities of a good leader?

Sample answer 1

I believe communication is the most vital quality of being a good leader. A leader should have a team-centric approach and be able to build trust within the team.

They must have the ability to align everyone in one direction and inspire them to perform better.

As a leader, I would want my team to be comfortable walking up to me and voicing their concerns, and for that to happen, I will have to make constant and consistent efforts to earn their trust.

In my previous role, I have always tried to maintain good professional relationships with my colleagues, and I realized that even helping others can help you grow.

I believe I have this quality that will make me an effective leader and help bridge the gap between management and the team.

Sample answer 2

As someone said once

A leader without followers is simply a man taking a walk

The ability to influence, build healthy relationships, and people management are a few qualities that make a good leader.

Additionally, they should be able to delegate effectively, align their team to achieve a common goal towards profiting the company, and solve any conflicts that may arise.

In my experience as an assistant manager, I realized that the more I interacted with my team and valued their opinion, the better results I got.

So, I always attempted to stay connected with my teammates through team huddles and one-on-one conversations now and then. I also helped them navigate their strengths and weaknesses as much as I could.

It helped me connect with them. Eventually, we came to a place where they knew they could come up to me whenever there was a challenge at work and get a platform to raise concerns.

The team morale improved significantly, which further ensured a better sync in the team, easy delegation, and quicker goal achievement.

Sample answer 3

This answer is for the people who do not have experience in leading teams and are interviewing to be a leader for the first time.

I have seen some outstanding leaders in the last seven years, and the one thing they all have in common is analytical and strategic thinking, making it a great quality in a good leader for me.

Without a strong strategy, there is no goal to attain, and teams may falter. I realized this when I was working at CVF Corp four years ago. I was new to the company and did not know much about the work environment.

My manager, Mr. A, mentored me in my new journey and ensured I was well aware of all processes.

I remember we used to have brainstorming sessions on Monday and Friday every week, wherein we would all share our ideas and gauge their pros and cons.

With him as our manager, we worked on exemplary projects that were highly creative and benefitted the company extensively.

It could happen because my boss was open to ideas and always helped us better ourselves.

I was constantly impressed with his skills to delegate, strategize, resolve conflicts, and be transparent with all of us, making these qualities some of the most important ones to be a good leader.

Tips to answer What are the Qualities of a Good Leader?

Answering questions like these provides you with the opportunity to talk about your skills and qualities that can make you a good leader.

The question is simple, but giving a good answer needs some preparation, and a few tips hurt no one! So, here are some tips that will help you answer this leadership interview question.

1. List the top skills that you identify with a good leader

as you answer questions like "What are the qualities of a good leader?", open your answer with 2-3 skills that you think are essential to being a good leader, and talk about why they are crucial to the said job role.

Use real-life experiences to connect the dots between the skills needed to be a good leader and yourself.

2. Talk about a time you had to lead a team

There is nothing better than speaking from experience while answering questions like what are the qualities of a good leader.

To add authenticity to your answer, talk about a time you led a team. You can talk about the experience from both low and high-impact projects.

The idea is to discuss the challenges faced, results, and experiences.

3. Discuss a leader/mentor you look up to

Talking about a leader that has impacted your career growth can add to your answer and help the recruiters gauge your school of thought.

While talking about your mentor/favorite leader, mention the qualities that convince you of their leadership with examples.

4. Speak with examples

Answering any question with examples can get you brownie points as it reflects that you are speaking from experience.

So, try answering this leadership interview question with an example. Talk about the skills you showcased that led to achieving desirable results.

If you have not been a leader before, you can talk about your experience with one of your superiors and how their work practices helped you grow as an individual, making you qualified for the leadership role in question.


A good leader is someone who leads but also knows how to walk with the team when necessary.

As you answer the leadership interview question What are the Qualities of a Good Leader? try to understand who is a good leader, what skills they must have, and club them with your experiences.

In case you do not have any, you can always talk about someone whose leadership you admire.

All the best!

Misna V.K.

HR Blogger

Misna is a seasoned writer and content creator with over 7 years of experience in the field. She is the author of this continually updated career advice blog, serves as an empowering beacon for professional growth, offering readers a wealth of invaluable insights and guidance.

Member since Mar 15, 2021

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