How to Answer ”What Is Your Management Style?” With Sample Answers

Misna V.K.
Nov 1, 20236 minutes read

If you are interviewing for a managerial position then you are sure to face “What is your management style?” amidst other managerial round interview questions.

The trick to forming an impressive answer to any interview question is to understand why that particular question is being asked.

What does the recruiter want to find out through the particular interview questions? Once you understand these, answering any interview question becomes easy, even manager interview questions.

So, without much ado, let’s address the reason recruiters ask “What is your management style?”

Why do recruiters ask "What is your management style?"

"What is your management style?" is one of the popular manager interview questions as it provides insight into whether or not your team-leading capabilities will fit well with the team's requirements and align with the company's values as well.

Every team has different requirements in terms of management. For example, a marketing team might require their manager's constant supervision regarding collaborations, etc. to work effectively.

Different types of Management style

It is important to be aware of the types of management styles before answering manager interview questions like"What is your management style?"

Here are 5 popular types of managerial styles to choose from;

  • Transformational management: This type of managerial style encourages teammates to achieve their maximum potential by constantly upskilling and staying abreast. Managers following this method are looking out for innovations and solving any problems employees are facing to ensure they achieve their goals.
  • Visionary management: This managerial style allows employees to achieve goals independently after developing a vision for them to follow. In short, after communicating the goals, the managers allow their teams to accomplish these tasks independently by routing check-ins, follow-ups, and guidance if required.
  • Democratic management: In this type of managerial style, managers value their employees' ideas and opinions. Thereby allowing the team to develop a strong voice when taking calls in the department. Also, employees under such a manager work harder to achieve the overall goal as they helped choose it in the first place.
  • Consultative management: Managers following this form of management focuses on team building and utilizes the team's skills to curate plans and make decisions.
  • Laissez-faire management: In this form of management, teammates work with little to no supervision as they believe employees thrive on their own and assist if and when required.

How to answer "What is your management style?"

Let’s now talk about how to answer the managerial interview question “What is your management style?”

Explain what you understand by good management

To be able to answer such interview questions you first need to have clarity on what according to you is good management. Think about your previous supervisors, under whose management did you thrive the most?

List down the qualities that you appreciated the most in your supervisor and what qualities helped you to perform the best under his management.

Also, list down qualities about former supervisors that did not sit well. This will help you to draw a contrast and frame a valuable answer about your concept of good management.

Make a note of qualities and skills that make you a good manager

After you have assessed the qualities of your supervisors, make a list of your skills and qualities that make for a good manager.

When answering "What is your management style?" it is important to put forward your skills and validate your answer as to why you would make for a good manager.

If you were previously a team lead, provide examples explaining how you developed the skills and qualities of a good manager.

Talk about the skills you believe a good manager must have

List and describe the qualities and skills a good manager upholds when answering managerial round interview questions like "What is your management style?" This will help recruiters understand the type of management skills they value the most and you possess.

(Tip) However, ensure you list qualities you also possess, without which your answer will fail terribly.

Describe your management style

Explain your management style now that you have built your answer with your opinion on good management and the qualities that make a good manager.

You are aware of the management styles but it is impossible to follow them to the ‘T’. You will have to tweak the rules according to the team and requirements. Setting the parameters before the meeting will show your unique trait as a leader.

Tip: Always provide an example to back up your answer. Use the STAR method for the same.

Sample Answers to “What is your management style?"

Sample answer #1:

“In my opinion, no one management style can be called perfect. I believe good management involves understanding the team’s requirements and the members and working around them. My previous manager used to say, no one person is the same, so how can a single management style be the answer? Some members need to be dealt with firmly while others work and perform independently.

I prefer democratic and laissez-faire style as per the requirement. I honestly do not appreciate micromanagement as it does not allow a person to grow or develop confidence. However, I arrange fortnightly catchups one-on-one to discuss their requirements for their growth and guide them if required to provide a fresh perspective to the task.

This approach has worked for me previously when I was working on the editorial team and we had to follow up with reporters for their stories. Every person had some quirks and it was important to deal with them accordingly.

For example, we had a reporter who always submitted beyond deadlines tossing our plan off the rail as it required a lot of work. So, with such reporters, I sent reminders a week in advance and track their statuses on a Google sheet. In addition, the editorial team unanimously laid down the rule that if a reporter misses the deadline, their story gets dropped for the month.

This usually affected their count and would be answerable to the Chief Editor. One month is all it took for the reporters and others to start taking deadlines seriously.”

Sample answer #2:

“My managerial style is a combination of democratic and consultative forms as I believe in building up team spirits and making them feel like we are on the same footing instead of making them feel like they are working for me.

It is important to feel heard and supported, which can happen when you are secure and trust each other. Apart from that, being able to put forth your opinion with confidence is an extremely important aspect of your career growth.

For example, before brainstorming on a project, we pick our roles. This allows us to focus on our areas and come up with ideas to share concisely rather than randomly tossing ideas in the brainstorming session. We write down the ideas shortlisted during the session everyone is clear about the objective and goals to achieve and which ideas to follow.”


Managing a team is a great responsibility meaning that manager interview questions like “What is your management style?” will be more grilling.

So, it is best to prepare thoroughly for the interview questions for Managers to sound confident and ready for the task.

All the Best!

Misna V.K.

HR Blogger

Misna is a seasoned writer and content creator with over 7 years of experience in the field. She is the author of this continually updated career advice blog, serves as an empowering beacon for professional growth, offering readers a wealth of invaluable insights and guidance.

Member since Mar 15, 2021

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