How to Answer ”Would You Lie for the Company?”(With Sample Answers)

Misna V.K.
Nov 1, 20237 minutes read

“Would you lie for the company?” is another behavioral interview question to test your personality.

Ethics is one of the most sought-after traits recruiters search for in their employees, and through this behavioral interview question, the recruiters are aiming to understand your honesty and integrity.

Answering “Would you lie for the company?” can be tricky and if not done right can throw your chances of clearing the interview.

Here are a few tips to help you answer this behavioral interview question along with sample answers.

Let’s begin!

## How to answer, "Would you lie for the company?"

Answering this behavioral interview question is tricky and can easily throw even the best candidate off their game.

So, do not try to overcomplicate your answer to impress the recruiter. Instead, keep it simple and follow these tips to answer, “Would you lie for the company?”

### Highlight your integrity

Make sure to present your integrity when answering “Would you lie for the company?” since that is the factor the recruiter is looking for in your answer. This is an ideal question that pits loyalty against integrity.

You can answer this behavioral interview question in this manner,

“I would never hurt the company.”

However, if the recruiter continues to press for a more detailed answer, then balance your loyalty with integrity by finding a solution to the problem.

### Emphasize working in a legal manner

When answering this question, make sure to emphasize how you prefer working lawfully. Simply put, if you fib and things go south, not only will the company be in deep soup, but your career will also take a devastating blow.

### Answer with reasoning

Do not answer “Would you lie for the company?” with just a simple ‘No’. Instead, frame your answer with proper reasoning to avoid being rude.

### Be confident

Understandably it is impossible to gauge all the questions a recruiter can ask, but confidence lies within you.

As long as you stay calm and answer honestly, answering out-of-syllabus interview questions won’t be tough.

All you need to do is understand the question properly, take a few seconds to collect your thoughts, and then answer slowly and clearly.

## Sample answers of "Would you lie for the company?"

### Sample Answer #1:

“I am not very fond of fibbing and like to have clarity. I believe finding a solution to the problem is easier than lying and creating complications. Also, there’s always a chance of things getting derailed, and then it will reflect poorly on all of us, the company included. So, instead if ever such a situation arises, I would ask for some time to contemplate, and find a solution.”

### Sample Answer #2:

“I believe there are 2 types of lies- white lies which are harmless and the other that can cause harm to another. I don’t like to lie in life.
However, I understand that the role I am applying for requires me to handle many sensitive company data.
If ever a time comes when I need to protect the company's data against competitors, then yes, I will fib. Simply because this will be a white lie to protect the company.”

### Sample Answer #3:

“I do not lie to further personal goals and tend to follow the same professionally. I believe there is an honorable way to succeed and that has served me well.
As long as I am within my rights and following the company's guidelines, I would do my best to resolve the issues effectively."

### Sample Answer #4:

“Well, it depends on the situation. I understand that the role entails handling a lot of sensitive data.
So, if a lie can protect the company's data, then I would not mind fibbing. But other than such dire situations, I don't favor lying."

## Conclusion

Apart from these tips, make sure you understand the industry and job roles. Many organizations require their employees to be tight-lipped about data and product development.

In such cases, avoid furthering a direct answer if the industry relies on secrecy. Also, do not compromise your personal integrity or show uneasiness with this question.

So, stay calm and confidently answer, “Would you lie for the company?”

All the Best!

Misna V.K.

HR Blogger

Misna is a seasoned writer and content creator with over 7 years of experience in the field. She is the author of this continually updated career advice blog, serves as an empowering beacon for professional growth, offering readers a wealth of invaluable insights and guidance.

Member since Mar 15, 2021

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