How to Get a Job as a Fresher

Misna V.K.
Oct 27, 20236 minutes read

One of the questions that most college pass-outs probably ask is ‘how to get a job’/ 'how to search for jobs'.

In this blog, we deep-dive into the steps to get a job as a fresher in India.

Just be determined to put yourself out there, make all the requisite calls, apply for appropriate jobs in every fresher job opening listing that you come across – till you find the right fit!

So, let's get you started with the job hunt!

1. Tweak the resume and cover letter to match the job role

Do not send out a generic version of the resume to every recruiter.

Tweak your resume as per the job description to match the recruiter's requirements.

Similarly, make changes in your cover letter to keep it in line with the requirements of the job.

Do not forget to review and proof-read.

Bottom line: A resume is your primary introduction to the recruiter.

Make sure it presents you in the best possible manner and is in accordance with the job in question.

Additionally, a well-written and customized cover letter will boost the value of your resume.

2. Utilize job boards

Stop wandering blindly on Google to search for a job. Open a popular online job board and build your profile on it.

The key lies in using targeted search rather than random searches so that you can review and apply for the right job.

Most online job boards, including, provide a list of fresher job openings by category.

These listings are quite detailed and give a clear picture of whether you would be a good fit for the company or not.

On such job boards, you can also use the ‘advanced search’ option to filter fresher job openings by key skillslocationjob typeexperience, etc.

Bottom line: Using targeted searches would help you get the right job faster as compared to trying your luck at random searches and hoping for the best.

3. Social and professional networking

Networking is an essential skill to get a job. Online platforms like LinkedIn, Facebook, and Twitter are popular among job seekers and employers for networking.

Essentially, these social networking sites provide you with the means to market and brand yourself.

The key to making your profile stand out is by giving it a professional makeover.

Spend some time to list all the pertinent information, including your educational background, current status, location, etc.

Start building connections on these social networking sites with employees working in the industry of your choice.

Follow them and engage with their posts and activities. You can write and share interesting posts related to the industry of your preference.

This would help generate interest and feedback that may help a prospective employer reach out to you.

If you are interested in attending professional networking events, refer to websites like Meetup.

Bottom line: With everything going digital these days, it is vital to have an online presence.

Leverage professional and social networking sites to reach out to potential recruiters and build a network.

4. Job fair and career events

Job fairs are often a great place to start putting yourself out and meeting the right people when you are looking to get a job.

Attending a job fair would give you a hang of the job market and get you face to face with a potential employer.

However, in a job fair recruiters meet hundreds of potential applicants each day.

Make sure you carry a card that lists your contact information, including links to your social and professional profile.

Do not hesitate to follow up with the recruiters you meet at the fair.

Send an email letting them know that you are interested in joining their company and remind them of the meeting at the fair.

Check out AlleventsTownscript, and Fresherjobfair for upcoming career events.

Bottom line: Many big organizations such as TCSInfosys, etc. use job fairs to source potential employees. So, it makes sense to attend one.

5. Company career page

If you are interested in a particular company, apply directly on the website of the company.

Almost all the companies have a 'career page' or 'job' section for current openings.

Open the company website and look for these sections, usually located at the bottom of the company webpage.

On clicking the 'career' page, you will be redirected to a page to fill an application and submit your resume.

In some cases, you will be given an email address to contact the HR team.

Another way is to simply type on Google the company name followed by the word careers, e.g., Deloitte careersIBM careersJabong careers, etc.

Bottom line: Directly applying on the company website will show your interest in a particular company.

You never know, they might just invite you for an interview right away!

6. Job referral

Job referrals are one of the strongest ways to get a job. A job referral is where a person recommends you for an open position in a company.

Many companies have Employee Referral Program, where an employee who refers a candidate for a role in his company receives incentives. It is certainly a win-win situation.

Start off by preparing a list of all your known contacts. Find out if they or their friends are working in your preferred industry.

Call up or meet these contacts one by one to understand if any of them can help you with a referral.

Bottom line: You should be able to at least get an interview call by earning a referral from the right contact.

And who knows, it might get you the job of your dream!

7. Reference and recommendation letters

Reference and recommendation letters give employers an insight into the background and capabilities of a candidate.

A reference letter is general in nature, not addressed to a particular recipient.

It is an overall assessment of a candidate's character.

If you have no past work experience, getting a reference letter from a teacher or a lecturer is a good idea.

However, if you do hold some past experience, reach out to your mentor and request a recommendation letter for a particular position, mentioning your abilities and skills to work in that role.

Bottom line: References and recommendations add to your profile's credibility.

So make sure you list out them when applying for a job.

8. Walk-in interviews

Many companies conduct walk-in interviews on a given date and time slot.

Walk-in interviews are great when it comes to initial introduction and screening of candidates.

In a walk-in interview, there is no prior appointment. Just visit the organization's office and meet the recruiter on the mentioned date and time slot.

Bottom line: Walk-in interviews are great for freshers as they allow them to get comfortable with the interview process.

9. Shoot emails

Find out the email details of recruiters through networking websites or company websites, and reach out to them describing your interest in the company and role.

You can also write to a recruiter who viewed your profile on a job board or professional networking site.

Draft an email, mentioning your interest in the company and your motivation for the role, and attach your resume.

Mention the subject of the email carefully such as 'Resume for the job application of XYZ', 'Job Application for XYZ', etc. so that the recruiter can easily identify it.

Bottom line: Emails are one of the best and convenient ways to reach recruiters.

Wait for a few days before following up with them again.

10. Training platforms

There are many training platforms such as Simplilearn that offer industry-recognized certification courses to fast track your career.

Similarly, Digital Vidya offers popular training programs specifically in digital and analytics domain.

It also offers placement services to companies and helps them connect with participants at Digital Vidya.

Other platforms like Myamcat let you assess how employable you are and present you with jobs accordingly.

It offers courses and skill assessment tools, and keep you updated on hiring events to help you find a suitable job.

Bottom line: Good training platforms offer various recognized programs and are well-connected with companies.

They can be very helpful in increasing the chances of your employability .

11. Approach directly

If you are inclined to work for a particular company, you can also directly visit their office.

Even though most of the companies deal with applications online, you never know, the recruiter might be impressed with your motivation and might have an interview with you on the spot.

Bottom line: Approach a company directly to get an idea of the work environment.

You might be lucky to secure an on-the-spot interview!

So, pull up your socks, follow the above tips, and get ready! With digitization being a boon, ensure to make the most of professional and social networking sites. Soon you will be on the right track to get a job.

We have a list of popular interview questions and answers for freshers to help you with the interview.

Misna V.K.

HR Blogger

Misna is a seasoned writer and content creator with over 7 years of experience in the field. She is the author of this continually updated career advice blog, serves as an empowering beacon for professional growth, offering readers a wealth of invaluable insights and guidance.

Member since Mar 15, 2021

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