How To Improve Job Satisfaction

Misna V.K.
Oct 27, 20236 minutes read

Job satisfaction is a very confusing term. Being a hot topic in modern workplace psychology, and despite several theories backing it, nobody has ever come up with an fixed definition for job satisfaction. Therefore, defining job dissatisfaction is tough. Let’s find out ways to overcome the same.

Given below are some steps to help you improve job satisfaction and unhappiness at work.

Communicate your issues

Always speak to your senior about how you feel at work. You are in the job because your employer requires your skills and services. Try and find a mutually acceptable solution to your crises. The issue could be trivial but our frail human perception could have blown it beyond proportions leading to dissatisfaction.

Take away: Be explicit about why you feel dissatisfied in front of your boss.

Enjoy your commute to work

Nowadays, games on smartphones and social media apps are staples for people during long commutes. Some of us prefer to watch movies or listen to jarring music while onboard buses and trains. Remember, these activities leave your brain stressed. Instead, do things that can automatically translate into a sense of well-being and help enhance job satisfaction at the workplace. Like reading a book, skimming through a newspaper, writing a diary or sketching.

Take away: Try solving crosswords or reading a magazine while commuting. They add to your knowledge, helping you arrive fresh at work.

Manage your finances

Loans and credits leave you with lesser cash in hand. They leave you feeling financially inadequate. You may have taken a loan to finance your dream home or pay medical expenses of a relative. Therefore, ensure you have sufficient funds left out after paying loan installments and mortgages. In fact, you should not sorely miss the amount you repay to a bank or lender.

Take away: Sufficient funds at hand impart a sense of security and allow you to enjoy life, thus obliterating dissatisfaction at work.

Upgrade your skills

Nowadays, technologies are fast changing. Hence, your skills can soon become outdated and of little use to the employer. Consequently, you may experience the Damocles Sword of losing your job, may loom over your head. Upgrading your skills help you retain a competitive edge at the workplace. It also prompts employees to pay more or promote you.

Take away: Do certifications or get a PG degree. They help in promotions. Regular upward movement up a company’s ladders can boost job satisfaction in office.

Avoid gossip at work

Gossip is unhealthy in every form. And gossiping with colleagues about other employees or the boss spreads negativity. Bad talk leaves a bad taste and unhealthy feelings. Over a span of time, it leaves you feeling disgruntled over your work and position. So, stay away from petty office politics that serve no gainful purpose. That way, your name will not get tainted and you will not feel dissatisfied with your job.

Take away: If you are already part of a gossip circle, disconnect immediately.

Interact with your family

As an old saying goes, ‘a problem shared is a problem solved’. Indubitably, all of us have problems at work. Indeed, problems are an intrinsic part of our job. We owe our existence to a company and also to its problems that we encounter. While we discuss our work related problems and issues with colleagues, we often fail to disclose our office-related problems at home.

Take away: Share all you issues (including the work related ones) to your closest kin. Who knows, they might even offer advice which can help you counter dissatisfaction at work. If you have no one to talk to, write about it in a diary or a personal blog.

Learn to say ‘No’

Understandably, it is difficult for everyone to say ‘NO’ to a genuine request by the boss. So, we sometimes end up working more than required. Once in a while, such extra work is fine. However, if you make it a habit, extra work can become an evil for you. Therefore, it is imperative to learn to say no, whenever required.

Take away: Unless your skills are urgently required for some emergency that can cost your company or its associates dearly, it is prudent to say no to any extra work. Remember, you need quality time too with family and friends. Therefore, if you have piled on work for yourself, shed the excess load now to boost job satisfaction.

Deal professionally with your boss

Your boss is a human, and hence prone to behave unpredictably sometimes. Admittedly, some may be unfriendly or overbearing or outright rude. Such behavior percolates down the hierarchy and affects everyone. Bad behavior of bosses is a major reason for dissatisfaction at work. You may not be able to escape or circumvent such behavior. However, you can insulate yourself against such irascible behavior

Take away: Try and find ways to remain outside the boss’ gunsight by improving your performance. Point out wrong behavior to the boss, regardless of how it gets taken. Perhaps, the boss is unaware of the impact of such behavior. Getting back at the boss is one way of reducing dissatisfaction at work.

Never pester for more money or a hike

A large portion of disenchantment at work occurs due to money. You may have asked for a raise but were denied. Remember, your employer is paying you the amount agreed upon mutually and secured by a contract or appointment letter. Unless there is a specific clause that entitles you to a raise, you have no right to ask for one. Employers draw staff budgets annually and revise them only once or twice a year, at best.

Take away: Your individual performance could be outstanding. However, paying you more can mean the company stands accused of discriminating against employees. Other employees not so fortunate can feel disgruntled if they miss any financial windfalls. If you are already dissatisfied with your job over money, it is high time to move on and look elsewhere.

Start freelancing on the side

Indeed, taking a part time job helps overcome dissatisfaction at work. For one, it ensures additional income to cover up for any financial crises. Further, you could be dissatisfied with your job because your skills are not being sufficiently utilized. Taking a part-time job or moonlighting sensibly allows you to make better use of your talents.

Take away: You will have less time to brood. Part-time work gives you an opportunity to meet more people in your particular field too, allowing for better socializing and exploring a career outside office hours. But stay clear of breaching any company policy.

Socialize with professional groups

Nowadays groups of like-minded people with diverse professions, catch up through online forums. Joining one of them presents good opportunities to interact with your peers in other companies and industries. This translates into better career prospects and helps remove the drudgery of a boring job you don’t wish to do.

Take away: Check out sites like MeetUp or groups like Toastmasters, and meet professional groups in your city. Alternatively, you can find them on social media sites like Reddit, LinkedIn, or WhatsApp.

Relocate for a change

Another way of alleviating dissatisfaction at work is by seeking a transfer within the organization where you presently work. A geographical change can work wonders for the mind and body. Firstly, you will need to adapt to the new place and befriend new colleagues. Learning new cultures, making friends and exploring the new location have their own charms. In addition, you do not lose your seniority in that organization.

Take away: Your experience at other locations helps you climb the corporate ladder faster than your peers: meaning, you qualify for promotions and have a better edge than rivals for the same post.

You certainly owe your livelihood to your employer. But this does not give them the right to devalue you or your work. So, get yourself together and come closer to your inner self. Feel happy and balanced and start meeting other professionals/groups of different kinds.

What recharges and energizes you changes all the time. Find your calling and only then you will be able to achieve 100% job satisfaction!

Misna V.K.

HR Blogger

Misna is a seasoned writer and content creator with over 7 years of experience in the field. She is the author of this continually updated career advice blog, serves as an empowering beacon for professional growth, offering readers a wealth of invaluable insights and guidance.

Member since Mar 15, 2021

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