Hybrid Work Model: Meaning, Meeting Etiquette, and More!

Misna V.K.
Oct 25, 20234 minutes read

The corporate world is buzzing with the talks of the hybrid work model. As companies try to find flexible ways of working, the hybrid model has emerged as the answer, disrupting the working practices of the pre-pandemic era.

Given the new normal is changing by the day since the recurring pandemic waves, the changing company demands, and the need to maintain a fast-paced work environment, the hybrid workplace model stands out as a solution that ensures efficiency!

However, despite the increasing popularity, many are still unaware of this new work format. If you are one of these people, this blog is for you!

In this article, we will discuss:

  • What is the hybrid work model? - meaning and types
  • Pros and cons of the Hybrid workplace model
  • Hybrid meeting checklist
  • Hybrid work model meeting etiquette
  • Dos and Donts of Hybrid meetings
  • The pros and cons of the hybrid work model
  • Is hybrid working model the future?

So, in this blog, we discuss the basics of hybrid meetings. Read on as we explore the hybrid work model meaning, meetings etiquettes, checklists, and Dos & Don'ts of the hybrid work model.

Let's get started!

What is the hybrid work model? - Meaning and Types

As the name suggests, the hybrid work model is a mix of remote working and working from the office.

While each company defines the hybrid model differently, most have designated days for employees to work from the office and otherwise.

On the other hand, a few companies also allow employees to choose when they wish to work from the office and when they want to work remotely.

Types of hybrid work model

Let us take a look at the three common hybrid work models:

Split-week hybrid work model:

This is the widely accepted hybrid model of working as it clearly defines the days when employees are to work remotely and from the office.

Employers may designate 2-3 days a week to work from the office, allowing employees to work from home for the rest. This model is efficient and transparent.

At-will hybrid work model:

This model allows employees to choose the days for working remotely and from the office, giving them complete flexibility. However, the lack of pre-defined terms may complicate things and disrupt productivity.

Week-by-week hybrid work model:

This model allows people to work from the office one week and from home the next. It is most effective for large-scale companies as this model lets them gather the entire team in the office, making it easy to brainstorm crucial decisions.

Pros and cons of the Hybrid workplace model

Just like everything else, the hybrid work model has its pros and cons too. Some pros and cons of hybrid working are

Optimized efficiency and job satisfaction in employees Lack of in-office camaraderie, leading to reduced team spirit
People in the same team can connect from anywhere Can backfire if adopted by a business that is not digitally sound
Significantly reduced operation costs Increased chances of miscommunication
Promotes better company culture Increased risks of cyber attacks
No restriction geographically; companies can hire suitable talent from across the globe Requires seamless IT devices and communication tools; can put all operations on-hold otherwise
Saves time used for the daily commute, helping employees work without stress Too much flexibility may lead to burnout

Hybrid meeting checklist

Being the mix of both the work models we have followed in the past, the hybrid work model works as the perfect combination of remote and in-office working habits.

Hybrid meeting etiquettes are almost the same as other meetings. But to help you prepare better, here are some things to keep in mind while attending a hybrid meeting.

  • For those working remotely, find a quiet spot for meetings
  • Ensure timely booking of meeting rooms
  • Mute your audio when you are not speaking to avoid echo (Unless you have a video call infrastructure on your device)
  • Mention the agenda of the meeting in the invite
  • Assess the seriousness of the discussion and decide if you need to connect through an audio or video meeting
  • Test the camera, microphones, and other devices used for these meetings
  • Maintain eye contact with people while speaking to them
  • Be punctual while joining and convey your ideas in the set time
  • Create minutes of the meeting and log decisions
  • If working from the office, make sure to pay attention to people connected virtually

Hybrid work model meeting etiquette

Working from home has given us the option to be virtually present wherever we need to be.

With the hybrid work model, a part of the team is present in the same room, while others are connecting from their space.

The question is how do you deal with this new format?

The answer is simple! With the right etiquette, we can simplify attending hybrid meetings. Here are 9 ways for you to get started.

1. Dress formally for hybrid meetings

The hybrid work model may make you feel lazy about dressing up, But whether you attend the meeting from the office or home, make sure you dress appropriately.

While you may be tempted to wear comfortable track pants if you are attending video calls from home, a good practice is to wear formal attire.

This not only brings a sense of uniformity but is another step towards connecting better with your peers.

2. Switch on the camera before joining meetings

Direct interactions are always more effective and personal. But as you connect to a part of the team virtually, some extra effort is required to get everyone interested in what you have to say.

To avoid your first impression of being just a voice with no face to relate to, keep your camera on when you join meetings.

This will lead to a better first impression of you and make it easier for you to connect with people that are not present in the room. It also adds to the sense of teamwork and trust-building.

3. Have a designated workplace

This one is especially for those working remotely. The hybrid work model requires you to be slightly extra attentive and focused as it is easier for people in the same room to share ideas.

As you join a hybrid meeting, ensure that you have a designated workspace with little to no distractions, is not a noisy place, and helps you work comfortably.

4. Maintain eye contact while communicating

It is essential in a hybrid meeting as it is one of the only ways of showing that you are paying attention.

Maintaining eye contact is one of the crucial elements of non-verbal communication, especially in a hybrid setup, where a part of your team is in the same room, and it is easy to ignore those connected virtually.

So, as you try to connect with your teammates virtually and in the same space, make sure you pay attention to the participant speaking to show that they have your attention.

5. Mute when you have nothing to say

Office meetings can be difficult with background noises coming from your end. It is a good practice to mute your mic when not in use.

This makes it easy to control noise in the background. It can also work as an indicator of when a participant is about to speak as they unmute their mic.

6. Avoid multitasking

If you find yourself checking social media platforms during meetings, this is a special note for you.

Sitting in front of the laptop all day can get boring, leading to people multitasking during meetings, which is a bad idea.

Not only would you end up missing what others have to say, but this also takes away the opportunity from you to contribute.

So, avoid multitasking when in a meeting, and do not check your emails, social media, or other activities in the slot assigned for meetings.

7. Include everyone during the discussion

Imagine you are in a meeting with 10 people- 6 in the same room, and 4 connected virtually.

How do you divide attention in such a scenario? In a hybrid setup, the communication gap between those present physically & online can be hard to bridge.

It is always easy to focus on those in proximity, but this is not the right approach in a hybrid meeting, where communication with everyone has to be unbiased.

While there is no proven way to make everyone feel included, you can try to make an extra effort to hear out the opinions of people connected virtually in case you feel they haven’t had a chance to talk.

Another thing you can do is avoid having personal discussions among the people present in the room.

Speak loud and clear so everyone in the meeting can share their input on the project.

With the feeling that their opinions are valued, those working remotely get the motivation to open up and share their ideas confidently, adding value to these hybrid meetings.

8. Avoid long meetings

Virtual fatigue and brain fog are real, especially now when people are confined to their rooms with laptops for most of their day.

That is combined with the pressure of long-duration meetings that never seem to end. This is all very common in the hybrid work model.

In situations like these, it can get tricky for people to focus on the agenda, distracting them. Avoid this by scheduling meetings for a short duration.

In cases this does not seem possible, you can schedule a small break at half-time to allow people to freshen up. It will provide much-needed relief and will add to their productivity.

9. Log meetings and share the M-O-M

With innumerable lengthy meetings, it can be hard to remember each discussion point.

This is where M-O-Ms come to the rescue. M-O-Ms (minutes of the meeting) are short notes that point-wise collate the final takeaways from these meetings.

Sharing them with the participants allows them to have a written note of discussion, bringing them to the same page as others.

Dos and Donts of Hybrid meetings

In a hybrid work model, it is necessary to understand the Dos and Donts of hybrid meetings to make them a part of our routine. Here is a list of the same for a hybrid setup to help you get started:

RSVP to meeting invites to confirm your presence Don’t multitask
Whether in the office or at home, always maintain eye contact with all the meeting guests Don’t take other calls during meetings
Have a Camera On policy Don’t attend meetings in informal clothing. Ensure a formal dress code
Speak in a brief, concise, and to-the-point manner Don’t have private conversations with people in the same room during the meeting
Make a list of talking points in advance Don't eat food during a hybrid meeting

Is hybrid working model the future?

Working from home for the last couple of years has made professionals realize the importance of work-life balance.

The flexibility offered by the hybrid model enables employees to manage their personal and professional lives simultaneously without compromising efficiency and productivity.

The shift from hustle till you make it to finding work-life balance is evident as we explore the mood of working professionals today.

As the pandemic brought about a sense of prioritizing self-care, the priorities of the workforce are witnessing a massive shift in work culture.

An article by Live Mint suggests that

"nearly 70% of employees in the IT sector prefer a combination of remote and on-site work models, while 25% seek complete remote work."

This shift is probably why

"73% of the companies in India are considering hybrid working arrangements post Covid-19 pandemic."
(Source: Survey by CBRE South Asia Pvt. Ltd.)

With more people looking for jobs that offer remote working or hybrid setups, the chances of returning to work-from-office or work-from-home setups seem bleak.

Misna V.K.

HR Blogger

Misna is a seasoned writer and content creator with over 7 years of experience in the field. She is the author of this continually updated career advice blog, serves as an empowering beacon for professional growth, offering readers a wealth of invaluable insights and guidance.

Member since Mar 15, 2021

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