Job Interview Delayed due to Corona Virus? Here Are 7 Things to Do While You Wait

Misna V.K.
Oct 28, 20238 minutes read

We’re living in a time of gargantuan crisis as COVID19 spreads throughout the world like a wildfire.

The world has come to a halt.

Factories are shut, public spaces closed and a feeling of worry looms over humanity.

As I write this from my home, I am going through pretty much the same emotions as you -- My beloved readers.

But we won’t let this situation of distress break us! Right?

A lot of you might be in between jobs and must be giving interviews actively before the earth stopped moving.

According to Economictimes, over 60-65% of interviews have been delayed as companies try to figure out how they can deal with this pandemic.

If you’re one of those people whose job interview has been delayed, I want you to know… there’s nothing to worry about.

While you wait, you can do a lot to ensure that when you finally give that interview… You’ll ace it!

Are you ready?

Let’s begin!

1. Research about the company

This tip is generally given to someone who's preparing for an interview. However, because of these dire times, if your interview is delayed, you must read more about the company.

Many companies are delaying interviews as they want to hire people after meeting them face to face, which is not possible at the moment.

Or for some internal reasons.

But the company you’re interviewing for might be in some sort of financial crisis. The COVID19 has affected many companies in terms of finances.

So, it’s important that you read about the company, their funding and investments.

This will give you a fair idea if the company can afford you in the near future or not.

Also, it will ensure you whether it's taking care of its employees both financially and morally.

Overall, this will help you decide whether you even want to interview here or not.

2. Sharpen your professional skills

Whether you’re a CEO or a fresher who was looking out for his/her first job, you can always improve and learn.

There’s no stopping when it comes to the learning process.

So, while you wait, why not work on your role and professional skills.

See if the company you’re interviewing for is looking for something specific.

Now that you’ve time at home, you can sharpen those skills which you may otherwise don't find the time for.

3. Do an online course

Another way to improve your profile and resume is to do an online course.

Honestly, you should do an online course related to your field anytime you get time in your career.

But as your interview is delayed, it’s probably the best time to do it.

Apart from enhancing your resume, it will also make a solid impression on your potential employers.

This will showcase your time management and your drive to learn.

Any employer will appreciate that you took the time to improve your skills set.

So, pick a course as per your industry, and go for it!

4. Work on your weak areas

This is subjective but very important.

We all have areas that we need to improve on whether it’s personal or professional.

The goal is to be better than who you were yesterday.

So, if you think your weakness is communication (which is highly significant at this time), then work on it.

If you think your weakness as a full stack developer is the front end, then work on that.

If you think you get angry during confrontations at work, then work on your anger.

Read and learn.

As an individual, you are the one who’s most aware of your strengths and weaknesses.

So, work on them.

5. Connect with employees to get insights

While you wait for your interview, you can always connect with the current employees of the company.

LinkedIn is a great way to find employees of a company.

Connect with them to find out how the employees are working during this COVID19 period.

You can also ask them about the infrastructure as there’s a high chance you won’t be able to visit the physical office soon.

So, you can ask for their opinion on it.

You can also find out about the company culture and how the company’s supporting their employees during a time of crisis.

This will give you clarity on whether the company is a fit for you or not.

6. Check your tech

During this pandemic, you must be connected to the internet as it’s the only way to communicate with the outside world.

Now, if you’re reading this, it’s obvious that you have got an internet connection.

But make sure that your broadband is paid for, your laptop is healthy and functioning.

Also, you have a decent webcam for your interview as it will be a video interview.

You don’t want your delayed interview to get delayed even further if your tech gives up right on the day of your interview.

So make sure your internet bills aren’t pending, you have a spare laptop in case things go south.

A stupid but a tip nonetheless.

7. Don’t stop searching

And in the end, it doesn’t even matter!

If your interview is delayed... so what? Keep pushing and applying for more opportunities.

Several companies are still hiring and are desperately looking for a workforce.

Use our platform and start applying. Naukri is still getting a lot of job openings and posts.

So, the road doesn’t end here my friend!

Make sure you take the advantage of this time and sharpen your profile like a Katana (a Japanese sword which is extremely sharp).

Research on the companies you’re applying for thoroughly and connect with its employees.

Don’t rush into deciding because of this pandemic.

And eventually, you’ll find the right place and you’ll be content.

Till then,

Stay safe. Stay home.

Misna V.K.

HR Blogger

Misna is a seasoned writer and content creator with over 7 years of experience in the field. She is the author of this continually updated career advice blog, serves as an empowering beacon for professional growth, offering readers a wealth of invaluable insights and guidance.

Member since Mar 15, 2021

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