Scope of Digital Marketing Career & Digital Marketing Jobs In India

Misna V.K.
Oct 25, 20235 minutes read

Internet has taken over the world by a storm, every other business has either gone online or is in the process of going online.

A digital marketing career in today's world is proving to be much more promising than most old school jobs.

Digital marketing jobs are growing at a staggering rate & indeed promise a lucrative career ahead.

As per a survey,as on July 2017, 50% of the world population was using the internet (i.e) 3.42 Billion Users.

In 2020, roughly 4.66 billion people use the internet i.e 60% of the world population.

In this blog, we shall discuss the scope of digital marketing career & what’s the prospect of digital marketing jobs in India.

What is digital marketing?

Digital marketing can be simply defined as a form of marketing wherein digital platforms are used to market products or services.

It includes social media platforms, blogging platforms, digital campaigns & more.

For example, Social media ad campaigns, these have proven to be quite potent for businesses across the world.

Digital marketing helps brands to create a desired brand image & position their brand where they want them to be over gradual period of time.

Why a digital marketing career?

Digital marketing is emerging as one of the fastest-growing profession in the world.

As per a report, Indian digital economy is expected to be a $1 trillion digital economy by 2022.

In other words, India is one of the biggest market for marketers around the world.

Since most businesses are inclined towards catering to such a huge market, it makes marketing all the most important.

Being cost effective & result orienting in nature, digital marketing acts as a perfect solution for these marketing needs.

Digital marketing career post COVID 19

Most business experts believe that a digital marketing career shall have more demand post-COVID 19 pandemic.

This is because businesses would be willing to spend more time & money towards marketing their products to turn around falling revenues.

With COVID 19 restrictions in place, most people have resorted to online shopping, thus it’s become paramount for businesses to reach out to their customers digitally.

Post COVID 19 pandemic, the trend of online shopping would have immensely grown.

Brands would want to capture that market segment as much as they can.

Besides by that time even these businesses would have also created a vast customer database which would help to create better marketing strategies.

This shall require both technology & human resource. Thus digital marketing jobs would be in demand.

According to an article published on Yourstory, India recorded a staggering 120 million regular online shoppers in 2018, and with a CAGR of 28 percent, the online shoppers are expected to reach over 200 million by 2025.

This is quite a good insight for those who want to pursue a digital marketing career.

Digital marketing jobs

Internet users are estimated to reach 601 million by the year 2021. Currently standing at 33.5%, the digital marketing industry is expected to reach 38% by 2021.

The report also suggests that digital marketing jobs are growing by an average of 14% providing more than 20 lakh jobs.

Digital marketing jobs are growing at an exponential rate & with new technologies coming into practice in everyday business, the role of digital marketers is immense.

How to make a digital marketing career

A successful digital marketing career can be initialized usually through various online or offline courses.

These courses help in keeping you updated with the latest trends in the digital marketing field.

Here are a few courses which can help you get an edge in the field of digital marketing.

A digital marketing career surely shall pave a way for you in any modern day organisation today.

Technology is revolutionalizing & modern day businesses are coming online with every passing day.

Grab the chance & ensure a fruitful digital marketing career.

Best of luck!

Misna V.K.

HR Blogger

Misna is a seasoned writer and content creator with over 7 years of experience in the field. She is the author of this continually updated career advice blog, serves as an empowering beacon for professional growth, offering readers a wealth of invaluable insights and guidance.

Member since Mar 15, 2021

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