You feel confident after an interview with a prospective employer and they ask you to expect a call back from them soon again for a second job interview. Although, initially you feel positive and excited about the prospects of making it to the company you have been eyeing. Eventually, you cannot help but feel jitters because you know that the second interview will be the defining moment in your job search.
Worry not. Here in this article, we have covered all the aspects that you need to know and prepare to be able to ace the second job interview. Read on to find out more.
A second interview is basically, a way for the employers to find out more in detail about you and your personality following the initial interview. As fewer interviewees are called for a second interview, it also helps employers compare candidates more closely before making the final decision.
Second interviews happen usually when the job roles in the question are highly competitive.
Here are some tips that can help you prepare well for your second job interview:
1.Revisit the Earlier Conversations
Before you must have had a number of emails, phone and face-to-face conversations, including the first interview with the employers. Recall these conversations and identify the crucial points so that you are prepared to have a more in-depth conversation during the second interview. It is best to carry a note pad and write down crucial information discussed during the first interview and subsequent conversations. This way you will be completely in sync with the interviewer as far as the understanding of the job role is concerned.
2. Sell Yourself, Confidently
You are bound to get slightly tougher and job role specific interview questions during a second interview unlike the generalized interview question asked during the first interview. Instead of feeling scared, you must take these questions as opportunities to display your strengths confidently and sell yourself by explaining why you are the most suitable candidate for the job. The best way to do that is to share real-life instances and experiences gathered while working on crucial projects during your current and previous jobs. The more naturally and fluently your answers flow, the more confidence the employers will have in you as a prospective candidate.
3. Prepare Common Second Interview Questions
Study the job role deeply and research on the Internet what possible interview questions the interviewer may ask during the second interview. Most likely, the interviewer will ask a lot of tricky questions such as behavioral interview questions or situational interview questions as well as questions related to salary and notice period.
The next segment of this article elaborates on commonly asked second interview questions and how to answer them properly. So keep reading.
4. Ask Intelligent Questions
Communication is best when it is two way. Listen to the interviewer’s questions carefully and take time deciphering them. Do not hesitate to ask questions or clarify something you could not understand. Take down notes of the crucial information or details that the interviewer might be giving and share your own knowledge and thoughts wherever you think it is appropriate to do so. Be prepared to ask intelligent questions as you will get more opportunities to do so during the second interview. In fact, the interviewers expect you to come up with relevant questions regarding the job role, the company, and its culture to understand just how keen you are to grab the job opportunity.
5. Learn about Company Culture
During the second interview, the interviewer generally asks questions to judge whether a candidate is fit for the company culture or not. They want to know how well the prospective employees will get along with the immediate team members and cross-teams whom they will be interacting on a daily basis. Do some online research or talk to people you know who are working in the company to understand the work culture and see if it fits with your style of working or not. Unless you are convinced, you would not be able to convince the interviewers.
6. Express Gratitude
Expressing gratitude to the interviewers will help you leave a good lasting impression. Thank the interviewers for taking out time and considering your profile seriously. Reiterate your interest in the opportunity. Ensure you send a ‘thank you email’ and utilize this opportunity to ask by when can you expect to receive an answer from the interviewers.
Bonus Tip to get Success in Second Interview
While a second interviewer means that you closer to getting an offer from the company, you must not cease your efforts in continuing to search the job. It is never a good idea to put all your bets on one company/opportunity alone. You never know, you may come across something even better.
Outlined below are the common second interview question you can expect:
Q1. What according to you are important skills and qualities necessary for this role?
Take this question as an opportunity to sell yourself by emphasizing on your skills and quality traits. This is one of the commonly asked interview questions but when asked during the second interview where the competition is fierce, you need to stand out with your answer. Through your answer, explain how you can achieve desired results, what value you will bring to the company in terms of experience, and highlight the unique skills you possess – the ones that are relevant to the job role.
Q2. Give us a reason(s), why you would not want this job?
It is natural to have some reservation regarding a job opportunity and the interviewer wants to judge whether your reasons are reasons or not. Do not consider this question as an opportunity to negotiate for a higher salary package. Keep your answer related strictly to job roles and responsibilities. You can also utilize this as an opportunity to further clarify any doubts you may have regarding the role or certain things that may not be clear to you.
Additionally, ensure to say some good things about the company as well. In fact, after saying your piece end your answer on a positive note by complimenting the company or the job opportunity.
Q3. If you have to change one thing about the company, what would that be?
This second interview question is common for technical job roles. During your research and conversations during the interviews, you must have acquired some knowledge about the work and processes adopted by the company. You can suggest some ways to improve their offering and the overall process to make it more beneficial to the end users as well as the project as a whole.
Q4. What are your career goals?
Interviewers ask this question to understand how clear you about your future course of action, what your professional aspirations are in the long terms and whether the opportunity currently present to you align with it or not. They want to know if you are genuinely interested in joining the company and are there for the long haul or not. You can say that you expect to climb the higher ranks and head a team in the department in the future and acquire more managerial and leadership skills.
Q5. What are your salary expectations?
This is another common second interview question and one that candidates both, dread and look forward to. The best way to answer this question is, to be honest, yet quote a realistic salary range keeping in mind your experience level and industry standards. Ensure to explain your research and reasons for asking a certain amount.
Q7. When can you start?
Do not take this question as the guarantee that you will be offered the job for sure. The interviewer wants to understand whether you will be able to join the company within a reasonable time or not. In addition, they want to know whether you are professional enough to follow your current employer’s exit policies. Your answer should not give a hint that you are extremely desperate for the job. In fact, you must come across as a thorough professional to the interviewers