Top 8 Internship Interview Questions (with Sample Answers)

Misna V.K.
Nov 1, 20237 minutes read

Internship interview questions troubling you?

Prepare to bag your next internship with the top 8 Internship interview questions.

Let’s get started!

Internship interview question

1. Why did you apply for this internship?

Interviewers ask this question to understand your reason behind choosing this internship from a pool of many. The answer to this question can provide the recruiter's insight into your candidature.

Another reason is that easy questions like these work as an ice-breaker since they are not too hard to answer and provide ample time for you to get comfortable with the interviewers.

So, as you prepare to answer this internship interview question, here is what you should do:

  1. Scan the job description and make a note of the points that make you suitable for this job
  2. List 2-4 reasons why this internship has the potential to kick-start your career
  3. Identify the skills and experience you can gain from this opportunity
  4. Research the company and find out how the company can offer you the desired exposure
  5. Identify how this internship fits in your career map and whether it is the stepping stone you need
  6. Using the above talking points, draft an impressive answer for your interviewers and practice the same

Sample answer

As I plan to become a graphic designer, this opportunity seems to be the perfect starting point for me. The job description stated that a person with good communication skills, a keen eye for design, and someone who is a team player would be a great fit for this opportunity and these are all skills that I possess.

Additionally, the exposure and experience your organization offers are what I’m seeking to gain with this internship. I want to be adept at color theory, aesthetic designing, and tools like Photoshop and Corel Draw.

I have some experience designing posters for my college events using Canva. With this internship, I aim to hone this skill and learn as much as possible from the best in the industry.

2. Why do you want to intern at our company?

This question is slightly different from the previous one as it focuses on the company aspect of the opportunity and not the internship itself. With this question, the recruiter will be able to gauge your opinion of the organization and try to understand the real reason why you want this internship.

The reason behind the recruiter’s constant attempts to understand your intention to apply is that they want to be sure that you would prove to be a reliable resource and that their training efforts will not be wasted on you.

Since students often take up internships only for money and a letter of recommendation, it gets tricky for the company to find candidates who are genuinely interested in the opportunity apart from these materialistic aspects.

Not that monetary benefits and experience letters are not genuine demands, but recruiters often want to hire candidates who are a suitable fit for their company in terms of passion and learning ability.

To answer, keep the following points in mind:

  1. The recruiters are trying to gauge how serious you are about this opportunity. Giving a brief and direct answer would be highly effective in this situation.
  2. Research about the company from their social media handles, website, press coverages, etc., to answer in detail
  3. Try to give reasons apart from remuneration, perks, and benefits

Sample answer

Your organization is one of the dream companies I want to work with. I follow all your social media accounts and have often visited your website to gain inspiration. I follow all your work and I am truly a fan.

I want to gain the artistic experience and ability to create informative yet aesthetically pleasing designs. I feel your company is the perfect place for me to learn these skills.

3. Why should we hire you for this internship?/Why should you be hired for this internship?

Why should we hire you for this internship or why should we hire you is a classic interview question that you must prepare to answer.

Through the question, the interviewers aim to gauge your eligibility and suitability for the role. Also, your answer will help them assess how confident you are about taking this internship.

The sample answer to this internship interview question would sound like this:

Sample answer

I think that I should be hired for this internship because I have all the skills needed for this opportunity. I am a fast learner, and with some mentorship and guidance, I am confident I can bring great results to the company.

I am a people person with a keen eye for design. I am a self-starter and leave no stone unturned to ensure that my efforts are not lacking.

With all these qualities and the trust I have in my abilities, I am positive that you would not regret hiring me.

4. Do you think you would be a good fit for this internship?

Recruiters ask this internship interview question to assess your understanding of the role and whether you see yourself becoming a good fit for the company.

To answer this question effectively, start by understanding the relevance of this internship in your career map.

The next step should be researching the company. Explore the company website, and social media handles to gauge how the company functions and if its values align with yours.

To get a better perspective, check out websites like AmbitionBox to know more about what the employees think about the company and what it is like to work there.

Some aspects that can help you understand if you would be a good fit for a company include:

  1. Being aligned with the company mission and vision
  2. Company reviews and ratings
  3. Employee attrition rate
  4. Work culture
  5. Interest in the company domain

With these points in mind, here is a sample answer for this internship interview question.

Sample answer

Yes, I think I would be a good fit for this internship. Before applying for this opportunity, I did a little research and found that the company's mission statement aligns with my thought process.

I am positive that with your company, I will be able to gain relevant experience as a graphic designer.

Based on what I could figure from the social media, and the website, the company supports creativity and is open to experimenting with unique methods and tools.

This is the level of creative freedom I wish to start my journey with, making me want to intern at your company.

5. How does this internship fit in your big picture?

Similar to questions like Where do you see yourself in 5 years or 10 years, this internship interview question aims to understand your career plans and how the internship suits them.

Here is a sample answer that can help you draft your own.

Sample answer:

With this internship, I aim to gain insights and knowledge in graphic designing that will further help me grow as a professional. I wish to learn the tips and tricks of the trade and hope that I can learn how to work in a professional setting.

My ultimate goal is to have my graphic design agency but to get there, I need relevant experience and vast knowledge, and this internship is a stepping stone for me to reach my dream.

6. What are your top 3 skills that make you a good fit for this internship?

Internship interview questions like this are synonymous with questions like what are your strengths? Or how do your friends describe you?

To answer this question well, talk about your best skills that can be useful for this internship. To begin with, analyze the job description and identify the skills you possess since these will be the best to talk about.

Be direct and avoid giving vague descriptions of your skills. Begin your answer with the three crucial skills followed by how they make you a good candidate for this internship.

Sample answer:

The top 3 skills that make me a good fit for this internship opportunity are my eye for design, adaptability, and creativity.

What I lack in experience, I make up for with my unique perspective. It started with my friends talking about how great I am at making cards and posters for school projects, and with college events, I got to design posters and other collaterals to further refine my skills.

I am a quick learner and find it easy to adapt to different methods, technology, and techniques. Also, I believe I am creative and can add my unique twist to any concept or design. With these skills, I feel I would make a perfect fit for this internship.

7. Tell us about yourself

Internship interview questions always include crucial HR questions like tell us about yourself.

Through this question, the recruiters want to learn more about you in your own words. It allows them to find out more about you apart from your resume, and get an insight into your candidature directly.

Here is a sample answer for you.

Sample answer

I am a self-starter with the ability to initiate and follow through. I believe I have strong interpersonal skills and am efficient professionally. I try to do out-of-the-box things and always aim to find creative solutions. I am comfortable with working alone and in a team. I am a quick learner and find it easy to adapt to fast-paced situations.

Tip: Read the article How to answer ‘tell us about yourself' to get a detailed answer.

8. Describe yourself in one word

This HR interview question is a staple across all interviews. Interviewers ask you to describe yourself in one word to identify your best strength and how the same can benefit the organization.

Just like the previous question, this question too is all about describing yourself, but due to the concise nature of the same, this question is comparatively trickier to answer, because to answer this effectively, you will have to boil all your skills, strengths, and abilities down to one word.

By asking this question, the interviewer puts you on the spot to hear from you the one best quality that you identify with from your lens.

It is a great opportunity for you to talk about yourself and convince the recruiter why you are the perfect fit for the job.

When you describe yourself in one word, talk about the one trait that is most suitable to you professionally, allowing the recruiter to understand you well.

Tip: Read the article How to describe yourself in one word to get a detailed answer.

Sample Answer:

If I had to describe myself in one word, it would be a team player. I'm very comfortable performing in a large group of people and have had the experience of delegation and supervision in the last 2 years, as the Vice-president of my college design department.

I understand the critical aspects and benefits of working with a team and that has made me adept at producing great results, even when the situations are not favorable.

I love working in dynamic environments and I believe the best can be achieved when we work together as a team.

Common Interview questions

So far, we looked at various internship interview questions and understood how to answer them. But when preparing for an interview, you must prepare to answer the common interview questions apart from these.

Here is a list of common interview questions and answers that you can use to prepare for your interview

All the best!

Misna V.K.

HR Blogger

Misna is a seasoned writer and content creator with over 7 years of experience in the field. She is the author of this continually updated career advice blog, serves as an empowering beacon for professional growth, offering readers a wealth of invaluable insights and guidance.

Member since Mar 15, 2021

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