Top tips to ace your interview for a remote job

Misna V.K.
Oct 2, 20234 minutes read

If you are looking for a new job and wondering how you should prepare for your job interview post the pandemic, you are at the right place.
Job interviews are opportunities for showing how prepared you are to lead a new role.  Post the pandemic, many employers are interesting in evaluating candidates on how they faced the crisis and managed their careers, did they develop new skills, and how capable they are to manage their work independently, particularly in a remote working setup.

Like any job interview, you would surely know how to answer confidently some frequently asked interview questions, such as “Tell us about yourself”, but there is more that you need to prepare for when you want to appear for a job interview in current times.

Here are some tips that can help you increase your chances of landing a job offer.

How have you been managing your time?

In job interviews, hiring managers want to understand how you stayed proactive in delivering your work when working remotely during the pandemic. As most companies are still continuing with complete work from home or hybrid mode, it is critical for them to understand how capable you are in managing your day-to-day work requirements.

Talk about your achievements as a remote employee, managing virtual collaborations with team members, and leading project requirements.

Share your learning from remote working
There's a good chance that remote/hybrid working is going to continue. Many recruiters prefer to select candidates who not only possess the knowledge for a specific role but also are ready to take initiatives and are adaptive to any work scenario. Take this opportunity to talk about the new courses you pursued during the pandemic that helped you develop new skills and grow as a professional.

What you should ask the hiring manager?
Job interviews are not only about recruiters asking you questions. It is equally important for you as a candidate to ask questions to understand how fit an organization would be for your career growth. Moreover, asking questions shows that you are equally interested in joining the company.

Take a look at what you should also ask at the end of your interview to land the right job.

How do managers communicate with team members during remote working?
Ask the recruiter to understand how the company manages communications with team members to stay connected with them. Are there any specific tools used by the company with which you are familiar, are there any regular virtual catchups with the team to keep them motivated. This gives you a fair idea about the company’s culture.

Will the company ask employees to return to a physical setup?
In case you desire to continue with a completely remote work in the future, it is good to get clarity on the company’s plan to start a work-from-office set up so you do not get a surprise immediately after joining the company. Even if you are open to returning to work, asking this question would help you to plan things accordingly.

With a little preparation, your chances of landing a job increase. So, start preparing now.


All the best!

Misna V.K.

HR Blogger

Misna is a seasoned writer and content creator with over 7 years of experience in the field. She is the author of this continually updated career advice blog, serves as an empowering beacon for professional growth, offering readers a wealth of invaluable insights and guidance.

Member since Mar 15, 2021

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