"What is Your Leadership Style?" With Sample Answers

Misna V.K.
Nov 1, 20237 minutes read

What is Your Leadership Style?

This is one of the most commonly asked leadership interview question. Not sure how to answer this one?

Interviews can be nerve-wracking, and the pressure of making a good impression can get the best of us, especially while answering leadership interview questions.

So, here's something to help you out!

In this article, we answer one of the most crucial interview questions “What is your leadership style?” with sample answers. We will also explore why recruiters ask this question, followed by how to ace this interview question.

What is your leadership style? Sample answers

While the leadership styles vary for everyone, you can answer What is your leadership style with these leadership techniques

  • Leading with effective delegation
  • Leading by transparency & communication
  • Leading with example
  • Leading with equality

Here are a few sample answers to What is your leadership style? based on these styles to get you started.

Leading with effective delegation

Sample answer 1

I find leading with delegation is the best way to identify the team's strengths and leads to optimized results.

It takes some effort to identify the potential of the team and understand success patterns, but once that is out of the way, effective delegation can have a significant impact on the team's performance, leading to successful leadership initiatives.

In my previous company, I led a team of 11 people on a campaign we designed for a client. I was leading a company for the first time, so initially, it was a little chaotic. But gradually, I figured that the most successful and quick way to get work done within the deadline is to divide the team for different aspects of the campaign.

So, I assigned four people for the customer survey, two for market research, three for finalizing the campaign content, and directed two people to manage escalations and challenges.

Not only did this help people focus on each aspect of the campaign, but also, gave them a chance to develop skills. With this, they could feel a sense of ownership, which encouraged my teammates to perform well.

Sample answer 2

My leadership style is centered around leading with effective delegation. I believe in setting clear expectations, assessing team members' skills, and empowering them to make decisions and take ownership of their work.

I maintain open communication, hold team members accountable, and provide mentorship for their growth and development.

By delegating tasks to the right people and providing them with the necessary support, I aim to create a high-performing team that achieves collective success while fostering a positive and inclusive work environment.

As you prepare to answer What is your leadership style?, also explore What are the qualities of a good leader?

Leading with transparency & communication

Sample answer 3

My leadership style involves establishing transparency through clear and open communication. As a manager at XYZ company, I encouraged an open-door policy and facilitated constant and open communication channels.

It not only helped me understand what my team expects and needs, but also boost their confidence in me as they could always rely on my availability whenever they needed mentoring or help of any kind.

Since I had a big team of 37 people, I hosted regular team catch-ups and made sure to connect with everyone individually at least once a month. This reduced unnecessary chatter and helped me build a strong team spirit.

As this left no room for speculation or back and forth, we executed the projects smoothly with very few challenges, most of which were external.

Sample answer 4

I firmly believe in leading with transparency and communication. I strive to create an environment where open and honest communication is valued, and where team members feel comfortable expressing their thoughts, opinions, and concerns.

I actively listen to my team, and I am approachable and accessible for discussions and feedback. I ensure that information is shared transparently, including goals, expectations, and relevant updates, so that everyone is on the same page.

I also place a high emphasis on two-way communication, providing regular opportunities for team members to share their ideas, insights, and perspectives. I encourage collaboration and foster a culture where diverse viewpoints are respected and valued.

I believe that effective communication is not just about talking, but also about active listening and understanding. In addition, I prioritize being transparent about decision-making processes, providing rationale behind choices and ensuring that team members understand the context and reasoning behind decisions.

I believe that transparency builds trust and credibility, which are crucial for a cohesive and high-performing team.

Overall, my leadership style is centered around leading with transparency and communication, as I believe it creates a positive and inclusive work environment, fosters trust, and enables effective collaboration, ultimately leading to team success.

Leading by example

Sample answer 5

I believe in leading by example since that allows me to showcase what needs to be done, leaving little room for doubt, and getting everyone on the same page.

I find this approach more direct, action-oriented, and organized. Also, it gives me a sense of involvement and lets my team know that the rules for everyone across the team are the same.

For example, in my previous organization, I was working on a project, but just before we were supposed to go live, we had a bug disrupt the progress, which if not resolved, would have delayed the entire project’s launch.

So, I stayed with my team in the office until we resolved the situation. We were in the office till 2 AM that morning.

Over time, I noticed that my team realized that I had their back and that they could come up to me in times of crisis.

Additionally, I got a chance to bond with them, which helped me identify the strengths of my team and the weak spots that needed improvement.

Sample answer 6

As a leader, I believe in leading with example. I understand that my actions speak louder than words, and I strive to set a positive and inspiring example for my team members to follow.

I demonstrate the behaviors and values that I expect from my team, and I hold myself to the same standards that I hold them to. I lead by showing integrity, honesty, and accountability in my actions and decisions.

I am transparent and fair in my interactions with team members, and I treat everyone with respect and dignity. I am willing to roll up my sleeves and work alongside my team, showing a strong work ethic and dedication to achieving our collective goals.

I also believe in fostering a culture of continuous learning and growth. I invest in my own development and actively seek opportunities to improve my skills and knowledge. I encourage my team members to do the same, and I provide them with the necessary resources and support to enhance their professional growth.

Leading by example also means being a good listener and being approachable to my team members. I actively listen to their feedback, concerns, and ideas, and I take them into consideration when making decisions. I am open to receiving feedback from my team, and I am willing to adapt my approach based on their input.

By leading with example, I aim to inspire my team to perform at their best, to create a positive and inclusive work culture, and to build a high-performing team that is motivated, engaged, and committed to achieving our shared goals.

What is your leadership style? is one of the most crucial interview questions. As you prepare, also read Common HR Interview Questions

Leading with equality

Sample answer 7

I believe in leading with equality. I have always focused on hiring the right fit for my team and ensuring that those working already with the organization are aligned with the end goal.

I believe in involving my team in all decision-making and including their input while we define guidelines. This gives me multiple perspectives and helps me avoid missing out on critical details.

So, with this approach, it becomes a two-way street, and instead of me giving out instructions to follow, I have an entire team working with motivation towards a goal w established together.

In my previous organization, I had a team of ten people who helped me navigate through all challenges. Together, we worked on several successful projects with minimal friction or disagreements.

Sample answer 8

My leadership style is centered around leading with equality. I believe in treating all team members with fairness, respect, and inclusivity, regardless of their background, identity, or position within the organization.

I strive to create a workplace where everyone feels valued, heard, and empowered to contribute their unique perspectives and talents. I am committed to promoting diversity, equity, and inclusion in all aspects of leadership.

I ensure that opportunities for growth and advancement are based on merit and potential, rather than biases or favoritism. I actively listen to team members' concerns and feedback, and I am willing to address any inequities or biases that may arise.

I encourage collaboration and teamwork, valuing input from all team members, regardless of their title or role. I foster a culture where diverse voices are heard and valued, and where everyone has an equal opportunity to contribute their ideas and insights.

I also strive to ensure that decision-making processes are transparent and inclusive, with opportunities for team members to provide input and feedback. Leading with equality also means creating a safe and inclusive environment where team members feel comfortable expressing their opinions, challenging assumptions, and addressing any conflicts or concerns.

I am committed to fostering a culture of mutual respect, open communication, and trust, where everyone feels included and empowered to thrive. By leading with equality, I aim to create a workplace that embraces diversity, fosters inclusivity, and promotes fairness and respect for all team members.

I believe that a diverse and inclusive team is a stronger and more innovative team, capable of achieving greater success collectively.

For freshers

Sample answer 9

While I do not have experience managing teams directly, I have been a part of several projects where I led the baton and took the initiative to ensure positive results.

At my previous organization, I was chosen to be a part of a team of five people to supervise a conference for our shareholders.

I single-handedly managed the event and did all the quality checks to ensure seamless execution. The conference was a huge success, for which I received several compliments from my seniors and an award for showing initiative.

Tip: For freshers answering questions like "What is your leadership style?", the best thing to do is quote an incident where you took the charge or a project where your efforts reaped significant results instead of saying they have no experience as a leader.

Sample answer 10

As a new manager, my leadership style is focused on creating a collaborative and inclusive environment where team members feel empowered, motivated, and supported. I believe in leading by example and fostering open communication.

I prioritize building relationships with my team based on trust, respect, and transparency. I actively listen to their concerns and feedback, provide regular recognition and feedback, and offer opportunities for growth and development.

I encourage teamwork, diversity of thought, and open communication to foster innovation and creativity. I set clear expectations and provide the necessary resources and support for my team to succeed.

I hold myself and my team accountable, and I believe in leading with integrity and ethical decision-making.

Overall, my leadership style is centered around creating a positive work culture that promotes collaboration, inclusivity, and accountability for achieving our collective goals.

Tips for answering "What is your leadership style?"

Now that you have read some sample answers to this leadership interview question, here are some tips to help you get your answer right:

  • Identify your leadership style
  • List all professional experiences that can help define your style
  • Support your answer with an example
  • Answer using the STAR interview technique
  • The devil is in the details- make sure your answer is crisp but offers all the relevant information
  • Avoid quoting negative incidents or speaking ill of your previous teammates.

All the best!

Misna V.K.

HR Blogger

Misna is a seasoned writer and content creator with over 7 years of experience in the field. She is the author of this continually updated career advice blog, serves as an empowering beacon for professional growth, offering readers a wealth of invaluable insights and guidance.

Member since Mar 15, 2021

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