You being on this blog means you are looking for reasons to change the job. Some may focus on changing their careers or rising to a better level.
Some may want more of a steady income or a steady job, while some might be working hard to balance the work-life and personal life.
The reasons might be innumerable but whatever the case, it is better considering a few factors before you quit or start researching the job market.
Another question which arises is question is how to identify the red flags in your current job?
Many times people fail to identify that their growth is dipping because they arent satisfied with what they are doing professionally & ideally are in a dire need to change their job.
In this blog, we shall discuss about the parameters which should be considered to know when to change a job.
Also Read: How To Answer "Reason For Job Change"
Recommended Read: Planning a Career Move? Here Is Your Ultimate Guide to Plan Your Career
How Do You Know When to Change Job?
1. Unusual Lay-offs
Since the pandemic, jobs have been downsized drastically. Jobs are getting cut down, business is decreasing.
The parameters for a job have changed, it’s more like “one fits all”. If you are working in an industry that is more susceptible to a lay-off, you need to land yourself a new job.
Knowing your company is forthcoming a furlough is essential in switching to a new job. Few factors could be that business has decreased drastically; your colleagues are being laid off or your tasks have been narrowed down to a few.
If you observe any of the above, accelerate your job search process.
Here are a few more parameters to look for:
2.Negative work environment
Feeling negative pressure building up? Having an unhealthy relationship with colleagues?
Your boss doesn’t praise you for your handwork, instead lets you down! Your colleagues are toxic to be around.
This could be temporary, but if it is going for too long maybe it’s time to change your job. Let’s face it, this job is not pointing you to growth but instead pulling your spirits downs.
This is one of the crucial situations where making a switch is a must!
3.Income is Flat
You are working very hard and you want to get a raise or a promotion. These are some factors that are in the mind of every job seeker/employer.
You always want growth in life rather than being stuck in the same place.
If you feel the same as this situation, you need to search for better options and opt for jobs that define you better.
4.Poor Work-life Balance
You feel like your work consumes most of your life and you have merely some time for family and yourself.
You always feel lost when at home, you have lost track of your personal goals. Your family hardly sees you.
These are few pointers that most working people face. And if you feel the need to change a few things in your personal life, this calls for a change in your job.
Look for jobs that suit your working hours and days.
5.Not Apt for Your Skillset
There are many skills that you learn over the years and you feel you can have better jobs with them being in your resume.
Polish your online profile and update with all the new skill sets. Start looking for the desired jobs.
6.Feeling Dreadful Before Leaving for Work
Do you dread in your car when entering the office? Do you feel detached from everything related to work?
Feeling undervalued for your hard work due to negative feedback. It’s the day and day after a process that seems to go on for eternity.
This is when you should change your job.
7.Shrinking Productivity
You feel less productive than ever. Your enthusiasm to ace is least than ever. Working feels like moving a humongous rock.
This is the time to dust off your resume and start applying for jobs that interest/amuse you.
8.Feeling On The Edge
Don’t be rash to resign or get fired. Execute a plan to help you land a better job.
Work on your resume and find jobs that feel right.
Take some time and analyze your plan.
Work on it now!
How To Work Towards Changing a Job?
Several ways will help in the changing of jobs:
• Reinforcing professional recommendations.
• Learning new skills.
• Making connections in your desired industry.
• Let your network know you are open to new opportunities.
• Authenticate the hiring process.
• Make your resume sound confident.
• Enhance your interview game.
• Be physically and emotionally strong as the other way strikes less appealing!
• Be organized.
We hope that this blog shall help you identify the red flags(if any) & start realizing its time to move on.
We wish you all the best for your career.