One of the most important & useful words in your career will always be work experience.
However, the document that cements the hope for a fruitful career is a work experience letter.
Imagine working for many years within a firm and still not being able to prove employment.
A work experience letter testifies employment with a firm on an official level.
In this blog, we shall shed light on some crucial aspects of the work experience letter, including its definition, use & experience certificate sample & criteria.
What is a work experience letter?
As the name suggests, a work experience letter is an official document which an employer provides to an employee upon exiting from an organization.
A work experience letter bonafide the fact that the employee was a part of an organization & mentions his/her conduct during that period.
A work experience letter usually shows the name, date of joining, mentions the date of leaving.
This letter is duly signed & sealed by the signatory authority on the company letterhead.
However, an employee can also request the employer to add in a few words about their achievements while they were working with the company.
6 Things to check in a work experience letter
1. Check dates thoroughly
Before you leave an organization with an experience certificate in your hand, make sure you check the dates well.
Check if the date of joining & date of leaving is correct.
Check if the tenure is mentioned clearly.
2. Check for your name, company name, your job title & location
Check minute details such as your full name, job title & that your letter mentions the company name.
Location is also an important part of an experience certificate as it helps in making the interviewer understand your willingness to travel to an office which may be located in a specific area.
3. A positive statement about the employee
What is the point of having an experience letter, which would make matters worse?
The experience letter shows a professional relationship with the previous employer.
While you apply for jobs, a positive word on your work experience letter shall always add to your chances.
Adjectives describing skills, knowledge, or strengths adds much more value to a word experience letter.
Also read: Recommendation Letter Samples
4. Signatory name, designation & contact details
At the end of the letter, make sure that the signatory authority has mentioned his/her name, designation & contact details.
This would be useful for future employers to reach out to your previous boss.
5. Reason for leaving
The employer should mention clearly that you have not been fired or laid off, but that an employee has taken this decision with his/her own will.
6. References on a company letterhead
Verbal statements hold little value while applying for a job, thus references are provided.
This is a piece of additional information that you can request from your employer.
References usually are one point of contact for your new company to reach out & verify all the information provided by you.
Experience certificate samples
Date of Issuance:
To Whom It May Concern:This is to certify that [Name of the employee] was working with [Company name] as [Employee designation] for [Tenure] starting from [Start date] to [End date].
During his/her tenure with [Company name], we found [Employee name] to be honest, hardworking & responsible.
He/she has done an exemplary job while working with us & has always maintained professional relations with the team & colleagues.
The decision of moving on is completely [Employee name] own decision.
We wish him/her all the best for his/her future opportunities.
[Name of signatory]
[Designation of the signatory]
[Contact details of the signatory]
Criteria for getting work experience letter
- An employee must have completed a certain period (depending on company policy) within the company.
- There is no dispute regarding any liability between the employee & employer.
- An employee has handed over all the necessary or sensitive documents related to the company.
- There is no breach of contract between an employer & employee.
- An employee has served a notice period (as per company policy).
- No pending dues are left with an employer & the employee has a proper receipt of the final payment.
What if the employer doesn’t provide a work experience letter?
Sometimes, an employer may not provide an experience letter despite repeated requests. What are your options in this scenario?
Well, here are 3 of them:
- Talk to your seniors or HR.
- Try reaching out to your skip-level manager (If possible).
- Register a complaint with the Department of labor law.
Next time before you get an experience letter, make sure you check it for all these details.
When it seems all is right, only then accept this letter for further use.
Best of luck!