Part time jobs for students are the number 1 way to enhance your exposure. Student life is a golden time for everyone. How we perform in this phase works as the stepping stone for our future.
While some focus solely on academics, there are a few who seek experience through online jobs for students.
Finding a good part time online jobs for students is an excellent way to add to your income and get some experience without much distraction from education.
It can help you test the waters and discover your passion before venturing out into the real world.
If you are a student looking for a part-time job, this is the blog for you! Read on to discover the 6 best part time jobs for students today that can help you kick-start your career from home.
6 Best part time jobs for students in India
1. Online Tutor
Online tutoring is one of the best part time jobs for students. Teaching a subject of your specialization enables you to impart your knowledge with others while brushing up your basics.
And the best part is that you can do it at your convenience. Working as a part-time tutor gives you the flexibility of scheduling online classes in your free hours.
To get a part-time gig, you can browse through these remote teaching jobs . You can also consider enrolling yourself as a teacher on online education services like BYJU’s, Simplilearn , Meritnation.
And if you have deep knowledge of a skill, you can try online course providers like Udemy and upload educational videos on their portal.
2. Freelance jobs
One of the best part time jobs for students is freelancing as it allows you to take up contractual projects and get paid for them.
You could sign up for a day-long project or one that takes a month, depending on how much time you can spare.
As a freelancer, you can take up various roles like a Content writer, graphic designer, event coordinator, assistant to people for gigs, etc., based on your skill-set.
Thankfully, it is easy to land a freelance project- all it takes is a little time browsing through websites that offer freelance opportunities.
Websites like Upwork , Truelancer , 99designs , , and Toptal can be really helpful if you are looking for freelance online jobs for students.
3. Virtual Fitness Coach
With people becoming health conscious, the demand for fitness coaches is increasing by the hour.
But since the pandemic, more and more people hesitate to work out in the presence of other people.
This has become a great opportunity for fitness freaks who know a lot about health regimes and fitness but do not have the time to pursue it.
If you are someone who loves sharing fitness tips and knows all about workouts, nutrition, etc., you can become a part-time virtual fitness coach.
This job is a great part time jobs for students and needs no investment, allowing you to pursue your interest while earning some money.
To become a virtual fitness coach, you can either sign up with gyms, and other health apps, or just start a page on social media, and share your tips there.
4. Data Entry Jobs
One of the more commonly opted online jobs for students involves data entry.
A data entry job lets you earn some easy money in exchange for recording data for companies. The job is simple and only requires you to have a good typing speed and a basic understanding of the company.
You can take up a part-time job as a data entry operator and make some extra money by working online. Let us help you take the first step towards finding a part-time job with our data entry job postings.
5. Fill surveys
Research is a crucial aspect of a company’s growth since it is the base of all product development.
This is why companies are willing to invest in hiring people who are willing to collect research data from the market.
Survey related jobs are popular in the list of part-time online jobs for students as it allows them to get a source of income.
To land a survey-filling job, all you need is an interest in talking to people, internet connection, and traveling. You can browse through our online survey jobs to get started.
6. Pursue a career in social media
Social media is a raging trend amongst youngsters today and it would not be wrong to call it an essential aspect of our lives. No wonder that some of the best part time jobs for students are related to social media.
You can explore roles like social media influencer or social media manager and find a great opportunity for yourself. Influencer marketing is becoming increasingly prevalent in the online world, and many companies are taking advantage of it to grow.
Any student who knows how to increase social media followers and write content that draws people to your social media profile is eligible for this work.
Every day, we all invest a significant amount of time on different social media platforms.
If you're used to having a lot of likes or feedback on your posts, or if you're good at inspiring people through your posts, you should think about making it a career.
It is a great time to be alive! Today, earning a living and a university degree is possible at any time from the comfort of your own home.
Finding a job from home offers flexibility, experience, and a source of income and enhances your skillset, often helping you find your true passion.
With this list of part time jobs for students to start a career from home, we hope that you can find a starting point for all the amazing things your career has to offer.
All the best!