6 Ways to Thank Your Boss for a Good Appraisal

Misna V.K.
Oct 22, 20237 minutes read

So you got a positive performance appraisal?


Performance appraisals are crucial in a workplace as they let employees receive feedback and discuss their career goals with their managers.

The process is even better if the performance appraisals get you a good rating.

If you have just received a positive performance appraisal and are looking for ways to thank your Boss, this article is for you. Read this article to explore 6 unique ways to say Thank you to your Boss.

1. Write a Thank-You Note

One of the best ways to show appreciation is to write a heartfelt thank-you note to your manager. This can be a handwritten note or an e-mail expressing gratitude for the feedback and recognition of your hard work.

Some of the things to include in your thank you letter are:

  1. Express gratitude: Start the note by expressing your sincere appreciation for the recognition, time, and effort that went into preparing the performance review.
  2. Highlight specific feedback: Mention feedback that stood out and had an impact on your growth and development. This will show that you value the feedback and are committed to using it to improve further.
  3. Share your accomplishments: Briefly highlight a few accomplishments achieved during the review period. This will help to reinforce the positive feedback and show that you are committed to continuing to perform well.
  4. Thank your manager/colleague: Thank the manager or colleague who conducted the performance review, and acknowledge their role in your success.
  5. Mention future goals: Show your commitment to continued growth and improvement by mentioning goals that you have set for yourself.
  6. End with a positive note: End the note with a positive statement expressing your excitement to continue to work for the company and to contribute to its success.

Here are some samples to help you write a thank you note to your Boss.

Thank you note for Boss- Sample letters

Note 1:

Dear [Manager's Name],

Thank you so much for the outstanding performance review and appraisal. Your kind words and recognition mean the world to me, and I am grateful for the time and effort that went into the process.

I especially appreciate the feedback provided, as it will help my growth and development professionally.

I am thrilled to have achieved several accomplishments during the review period, and I look forward to contributing to the success of the team.

Once again, thank you for your support and encouragement. I am excited to continue working for the company and to achieve even more in the future.

Best regards,
[Your Name]

Note 2:

Dear [Colleague's Name],

I am writing to express my sincere gratitude for the outstanding performance review and appraisal.

Your feedback and recognition mean a lot to me, and I appreciate the time and effort that went into preparing the review.I am thrilled to have achieved several accomplishments during the review period, and I am committed to using the feedback to continue to grow and improve.

I am grateful to have you as a colleague, and I appreciate your support and encouragement.Thank you once again for everything.

I am excited to continue working together and contributing to the success of the team.

Best regards,
[Your Name]

Note 3:

Dear [Manager's Name],

I wanted to take a moment to express my sincere thanks for the outstanding performance review and appraisal.

Your feedback and recognition mean a great deal to me, and I am grateful for the time and effort that went into preparing the review.I am excited to have achieved several accomplishments during the review period, and I am committed to continuing to work hard and grow professionally.

I appreciate your leadership and guidance, and I am grateful for the opportunities you have given me to contribute to the success of the team.Thank you again for everything.

I look forward to continuing to work together and achieve even more in the future.

Best regards,
[Your Name]

2. Share the Good News

If you received a positive performance appraisal, your colleagues and peers would likely be happy to hear about your success. Consider sharing the good news with your team and thanking them for their support and collaboration.

Sharing your successes with your colleagues can be an excellent way to show your appreciation for the support and collaboration you have received. You can do this in a team meeting or a group email.

You can consider celebrating by hosting a small celebration or a potluck. This will make them feel included in your success, establish positive team spirit, and boost team morale.

You can also enjoy the camaraderie, building a positive and supportive work culture where everyone can celebrate each other's successes.

3. Offer to take on additional responsibilities

A great way to show appreciation for your manager is to offer to take on additional responsibilities or help them in areas where they may need help.

It shows that you are invested in the team's success and takes some of the workloads off your manager's shoulders.

You can do this by volunteering for a project or initiative your manager is working on.

It can be a great way to demonstrate your commitment and enthusiasm for your job and to show that you're willing to go above and beyond to help your team succeed.

4. Offer to help others

One way to show your commitment to growth and development is by offering to help others. You can do this by assisting on a project or mentoring a newer employee.

By offering your time and expertise, you can show that you value the feedback you received and would like to share your learnings and skills with others.

This will also help you build stronger relationships with your team and demonstrate your leadership potential.

5. Give a Shout-out on social media

A shout-out on social media can be a great way to show appreciation for a good appraisal and publicly acknowledge your Boss's hard work and support.

It can also be a great way to build a positive and supportive work culture and reinforce your commitment to collaboration and teamwork.  

However, check with your manager and company policy before sharing any information publicly.

Follow your company's guidelines for social media use and avoid sharing confidential or proprietary information. Additionally, make sure your shout-out is sincere and appropriate for a public forum.

Some tips for giving a shout-out on social media include:

  1. Tag your Boss and the company in the post to ensure that they see it.
  2. Be specific about what you are appreciative of, whether it's the specific feedback you received or the support your boss has given you.
  3. Use positive language and avoid negative or critical comments.
  4. Keep the post professional and appropriate for a public forum.
  5. Consider including a photo or graphic to make the post more engaging and visually appealing.

6. Send a gift or a small token of appreciation

A thoughtful gift or a small token of appreciation can be an excellent way to show gratitude for a good appraisal.

It doesn't have to be extravagant, but something that shows your supervisor that you were thinking of them and wanted to express your thanks.

Some good options might include a gift basket with their favorite snacks, a plant for their office, or a nice pen.

Consider adding a handwritten note to accompany the gift, expressing your appreciation for the review and the support they have given you.


Receiving a positive performance appraisal is a great accomplishment, and it's important to take the time to express your gratitude and celebrate your achievements.

By writing a thank-you note, treating your manager to lunch or coffee, sharing the good news with your team, making a personalized gift, volunteering for a project, giving a shout-out on social media, and asking for feedback, you can show your appreciation and build a stronger relationship with your manager.

So, take the time to thank your employer for a positive performance appraisal, and continue to strive for excellence in your job.

Misna V.K.

HR Blogger

Misna is a seasoned writer and content creator with over 7 years of experience in the field. She is the author of this continually updated career advice blog, serves as an empowering beacon for professional growth, offering readers a wealth of invaluable insights and guidance.

Member since Mar 15, 2021

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