How to create a perfect resume format?

Misna V.K.
Oct 2, 20233 minutes read

A resume is your ultimate ticket to land a job interview. Any limitations in your resume can drop your chances of grabbing the recruiters’ attention. And the most common mistake that candidates generally make is not choosing the right resume format suited to the current stage.

So now when you know it, why to take a chance. Get your resume format right in the first place.

Type of Resume Formats :-

1. Chronological Resume Format:

By far, this is the most commonly used resume format. It lets professionals to list their jobs and achievements in a “reverse-chronological’ order i.e. from the latest to the least recent. If you have a steady work history and increasing levels over time, go for a chronological resume that helps you:

• Display your latest work details and experience relevant to their job role

• Structure your work experience

• Take recruiters through your upward career mobility

2. Functional Resume Format:

If you have gaps in your job history or looking for switching careers, you must go for a functional resume. It lets you focus more on your skills and capabilities instead of what you have worked. Usually, entry-level professionals or freshers opt for a functional resume

A functional resume proves beneficial to:

• Bring the most emphasis and recruiters’ attention on your skills

• Shape the way you want companies to consider you or know for

• Zero down on necessary data instead of putting in lengthy text

• Adjust your

3. Hybrid or Combination Resume Format:

It is the latest resume format, where you list your skills on top followed by detailed work history. This brings you the best of both chronological as well as functional resume format.

A hybrid resume helps you to:

• Display valuable info or data first

• Appeal to both traditional and non-traditional recruiters

• Prevent highlighting the gaps without actually hiding them

• Infographic Style: This resume format is best suitable for professionals in a creative industry or professions, including web designers, graphic designers, etc. It offers them the freedom to experiment with their creativity and come up with an interesting yet professional resume format. However, it can be a little difficult to edit your resume when presented in an infographic. The entire style might need to be changed or reset to accommodate a single revision.

An infographic style resume helps job seekers to:

• Offer recruiters view most details at a single glance

• Be creative and show your creativity

• Leverage a unique marketing tool and impress recruiters

Finally yet importantly, pay good attention to your resume format as it helps recruiters go through your resume in mere seconds, thereby creating an impactful and right impression.

Misna V.K.

HR Blogger

Misna is a seasoned writer and content creator with over 7 years of experience in the field. She is the author of this continually updated career advice blog, serves as an empowering beacon for professional growth, offering readers a wealth of invaluable insights and guidance.

Member since Mar 15, 2021

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