How To Write A Leave Extension Letter?

Misna V.K.
Oct 22, 20235 minutes read

Knowing how to write a leave application is important in the professional environment. Leave applications are a formal way of letting your employer or workplace know about your intention of taking some time off from work.

leave extension letter or application, as the name suggests, is what you should write when you want to prolong your leave. It is a professional way of informing your superiors and colleagues at work about your extended break, so they can prepare themselves for taking care of daily functioning in your absence.

Given below are some sample leave extension letter applications, which can be used as reference for a number of reasons.

Leave letter extension sample: Sick leave

Subject: Extension for Sick Leave Needed

Dear Mr./Ms. (Name of recipient),

I am writing to bring to your attention my current sick leave status. I have been off from work for the past ten days owing to an accident which caused me acute back problems. However, despite the bed rest and medication, there has not been any improvement with regard to the pain and difficulties with movement. The doctor has advised me to undergo a minor surgery, which will be scheduled early next week. For this purpose, I need leave for at least two more weeks, starting from (starting date) till (end date).

I am attaching the necessary reports and doctors’ certificates with this email. Kindly put me in touch with someone I can speak to about the company medical insurance for employees.

I have also been in constant contact with my colleagues who are covering my shifts at work and there have been no major issues yet. However, I deeply apologize for the inconvenience I may be causing. I hope you will empathise with my situation and grant me this leave extension.

Yours sincerely,
(Your name)

Leave letter extension sample: Sickness of a family member

Subject: Leave Extension Needed

Dear Mr./Ms. (Name of recipient),

I am writing to you to request for an extension for my current leave from office. I had to rush to my hometown last week due to my father’s cardiac arrest. While he is steadily recovering right now, it will still take a few more days before he is stable enough to manage on his own. Till then, I have to stay with him here, and thus, will not be able to return to work on (date) as I had expected to.

I humbly request you to consider my case and allow me another week’s leave. I will return to the city on (date) and resume office on (date). My colleague, (Name of the colleague), is willing to assume responsibility for my duties till then. For any other urgent needs and queries, I am available on my phone and email around the clock.

(Your name)

Leave letter extension sample: Maternity leave

Subject: Maternity Leave Extension Needed

Dear Mr./Ms. (Name of recipient),

This is with regard to an extension I require for my maternity leave. As informed previously to the administration, my three-month maternity leave was supposed to start from (date) and end on (date). However, my newborn has developed acute breathing problems and requires immediate hospitalization. As per my doctor’s suggestions, I need at least a week more to devote to my baby and his medical needs. Therefore, I request for an off from work until at least (date).

I have spoken to (Name of colleague), who I hear has been an excellent substitute for me so far, and she has agreed with the utmost grace to stay on for a week more.

I have attached a doctor’s note along with other necessary information with this email, so it can be filed with the other records. Kindly reply on this email id or give me a call on my work number in case of any work-related urgent issues.

Thanking you,
(Your name)

Leave letter extension sample: Vacation leave

Subject: Leave Extension Needed

Dear Mr./Ms. (Name of recipient),

I am writing to inform you that I find myself unable to return to work on (date), and must request for a leave extension. As per plans, I was supposed to resume office next Monday after a two-week vacation in Bali. But I have run into a sudden roadblock as a few of my belongings and documents have been stolen. Authorities here are being very helpful and there are hopes of having my things returned, but the process is taking longer than expected. Until then, I am afraid I need to stay here and take care of the situation.

I have reached out to (Name of the colleague) and he is willing to take over my work until I rejoin. For any urgent matters, I am available on email. However, it seems unlikely that I can return before (date), and earnestly request for an extended leave until then. I hope you can empathise with my circumstances and grant me the same.

(Your name)

Misna V.K.

HR Blogger

Misna is a seasoned writer and content creator with over 7 years of experience in the field. She is the author of this continually updated career advice blog, serves as an empowering beacon for professional growth, offering readers a wealth of invaluable insights and guidance.

Member since Mar 15, 2021

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