How to Write an Offer Acceptance Email (Check Out Sample 3)

Misna V.K.
Oct 25, 20235 minutes read

Finally, after all your hard work, the job offer has reached your mailbox. But you shouldn't cut slack when writing a formal email.

So, if you are wondering how to write the perfect offer acceptance email, then this is just the blog for you.

This blog will not only take you through the ways to write an offer letter acceptance mail but also provide a job offer letter acceptance email sample to help you get yours right.

Let’s get started!

Factors to consider while writing an offer acceptance email

Writing a formal email especially an offer acceptance mail is an all total ball game.

However, keeping these simple factors in mind, writing an offer acceptance email will be made easy.

Clear and crisp subject line

The first thing to grab the attention of a reader is the subject line of any mail.

This becomes extremely important when writing a formal mail, especially an offer letter acceptance mail.

So, make sure to form a subject line that is simple, clear yet crisp while writing your offer acceptance email.

This will help the reader understand the reason for writing a formal email.

Take, for example, the subject line of an offer letter acceptance mail can be “Acceptance of job offer- (Your name)” or “Acceptance of (Company’s name) offer- (Your name)”.

This will give the recipient clarity on the purpose of the email as well as about the sender.

Get the addressee right

Whether it’s writing a job application letter or writing an offer acceptance email, getting the addressee’s name wrong sends off blaring red signals about yourself.

Nowadays, most of the offer letters are sent by email so you can easily send your offer acceptance email in the same thread.

But just in case you receive a hard copy of your job offer, you can send an offer acceptance email first before sending the signed job acceptance letter.

In this case make sure to get the name right, check and re-check the spelling of the name and designation of the addressee while framing your offer acceptance mail.

Thank the sender of the email properly

You have worked hard throughout the job application process.

Be it answering the frequently asked HR interview questions fluently or fielding tough ones like Describe yourself in 5 words, you have made it all the way to the final stage of being offered the job. Congratulations!

But do not let your guards down just yet. Take the opportunity to thank the employer not only for giving you an opportunity for an interview but also for the chance to work with them.

Remember to keep your tone formal when expressing your gratitude and enthusiasm at the opportunity of employment with the company.

List and agree to the terms of appointment

It is extremely important to read through the offer letter thoroughly before accepting.

Always talk to the recruiter in case of doubts or confusion. Only once you have your doubts and confusions cleared go-ahead to write the offer acceptance email.

But before you form your offer acceptance mail, make sure to list and accept the terms of agreements cited by the employer.

You can also cite factors where you want to negotiate like your joining date or any other factors and ask for a discussion with your employer on the same.

Sign the email

Finally coming to the perfect ending to an offer acceptance letter.

Make sure to get the right salutation when writing a formal email.

You can end the offer acceptance email with salutations like “Best Regards”“Thanking You” or “Sincerely”.

These salutations go well with the formal tone of an offer acceptance email.

Also, do not forget to add a short digital signature at the end of your offer acceptance mail.

You can create your own signature in any email apps.

All you have to do is fill in your name, email ID and phone number, choose the font and your signature will be created!

This way your employer/ recruiter won’t need to dig into your file to get your number and can easily give you a call in case of further discussion.

Proofread, Proofread, Proofread

One of the most crucial factor to keep in mind while writing an offer acceptance mail or witing a formal email is to proofread.

You do not want to come off as someone who becomes laid back the second they land the job.

This will not only leave a negative impression on the employer, but can also make them question their choice of candidature.

So, before you hit the send button always go through the email thoroughly at least 3 times.

You can also take the help of apps such as Grammarly to ensure language consistencies and removing errors.

Job offer acceptance email sample

We have covered the factors to remember while writing an offer letter acceptance email.

Now, let’s move on to a few job offer acceptance email samples to get a better understanding.

Sample #1

“Sub: Acceptance of job offer- Shalini Mathur

Dear (Recipient’s name),
I would like to thank you for the opportunity and looking forward to working with you. Kindly consider this as an offer acceptance email.

As discussed previously, I accept the salary offered (mention the amount) along with the benefits offered (cite the benefits offered in your offer letter).

Looking forward to beginning working and meeting the team from (Joining date). Please feel free to let me know if there are any additional documents that are required from my end, my number is attached below.

Once again, thank you for the opportunity to work at your esteemed organization.

Thanking You,
Shalini Mathur
(Email ID)
(Phone number)

Sample #2

“Sub: Accepting ABC Company’s job offer- Shalini Mathur

Dear (Recipient’s name),
I would like to take this opportunity to thank you for giving me the chance to work at your esteemed organization. Kindly consider this as my offer letter acceptance email.

Although I am fine with the starting amount of (amount) LPA along with its benefits, I would like to discuss the medical facilities and claims for a better understanding.

Apart from this, I am good to go with the rest of the terms and agreements stated in the offer letter.

Looking forward to beginning working with the team on (Joining date). Kindly do let me know if there are any more documents or formalities to be fulfilled from my end.

Thanking You,
Shalini Mathur
(Email ID)
(Phone number)

Sample #3

Sub: Acceptance of job offer for the post of Sub Editor- Shalini Mathur

Dear (Recipient’s name),
It is with great pleasure that I accept the position of Sub Editor offered at your esteemed organization.

Although I am fine with the stated salary and the benefits offered with it, I would like to discuss the date of joining.

As I already mentioned in our phone conversion today at 10 am, it would be great if you could allow me to join on the 3rd of September instead of the 1st. The reason as mentioned is the fact that there has been a slight delay in the closing procedure and I will be receiving my relieving approval on the 2nd of September end of the day.

It would be great if you could consider and permit me to join on the 3rd of September. Looking forward to working with the new team.

Thanking You,
Shalini Mathur
(Email ID)
(Phone number)

Hopefully, you found these tips useful for writing an amazing offer acceptance email.

The key factors to remember while writing a formal email is to maintain the tone of the email and proofread before you hit the send button.

You can take inspiration from the job offer acceptance email samples while writing!

All the best!

Misna V.K.

HR Blogger

Misna is a seasoned writer and content creator with over 7 years of experience in the field. She is the author of this continually updated career advice blog, serves as an empowering beacon for professional growth, offering readers a wealth of invaluable insights and guidance.

Member since Mar 15, 2021

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