Planning a Career Move? Here Is Your Ultimate Guide to Plan Your Career

Misna V.K.
Oct 26, 20235 minutes read

If going to work every day feels like summiting Everest, then it’s time for you to plan a career move.

Most of us can agree that planning a career move isn’t a walk in the park. Career planning & development can turn into a hassle quite easily.

The fundamentals of planning a career depend on various factors.

Planning a career & planning the right career are two different things.

In this blog, we shall define important factors that need to be considered before you plan a career move.

So let’s get started!

What is a career move & why is it important?

A career move simply is any change or step which is taken to attain growth, success, or progress in one’s professional career.

As rightly quoted by Confucius, “Choose a job you love, and you will never have to work a day in your life."

Being stuck in a wrong career is like meditating in loud music.

It would eventually distract you, annoy you & keep you restless throughout. The importance of making the right career move is paramount.

Things to consider before making a career move

1. Interest & Skill

Everyone is not made for everything. The most primary question that you need to ask yourself before planning a career move is, what do you want to do? & secondly, are you good at it?

Most people confuse these two. It’s not important that what you want to do & being good at it would be proportionate by default.

Striking the balance is the key here.

It’s you who has to decide what more do you want in your career. Travel, creativity, job security, benefits, higher salary, and so on.

Sometimes people want to choose a career path just because they want to join a specific company. That also is worth an effort.

There are countless things a person can want in his/her career.

However, in case you are confused about which career path is perfect for you, websites like MindlerGuidepoint, can come to the rescue.

These websites help in guiding you by providing expert advice relevant to your career after analyzing your profile.

2. Choosing the right sector

Primarily the main objective for most of us to work is to bring food on the table.

It's important to have an open mind when it comes to choosing the right profession.

Career planning & development does not only depend on fondness for a specific career.

Balancing liking & profitability is important. Choosing a career that may leave you at a dead-end tomorrow is much fatal.

Use social media websites such as LinkedInMeetup, etc to keep in touch with a professional network to understand professional trends across the globe.

3. Analyze yourself

Be self-aware of your shortcomings & strengths. This shall help you in choosing the right career for you depending on facts & not just realizations.

This shall also assist in finding the right openings which may or may not suit you.

For example, if you are very good at building rapport with people & getting business out of them, it’s not important that you shall be good at promoting products online.

Here only self-analyzation can pave a path for you.

4. Your kind of workplace

This is another important attribute in your career planning & development. Many times we are in the right job but in the wrong company.

This can also have adverse effects on your career growth. A blend of right skill & right company can bring right things in your career.

Make sure you exactly know what your idea of good company culture is.

Before planning a career move, ensure that the company you are planning to join has those attributes.

This can be done by reading reviews of the company on

Once you are satisfied only then take the next step ahead.

5. Plan ahead

Ensure you have a plan before considering a career move.

Prepare a plan for yourself wherein pin down exactly where you would want to see yourself 3 years from now.

This shall give you a clear vision of how you take your next step.

This would help you in zeroing companies that offer the best growth, benefits, monetary benefits, basically whatever you are eyeing for.

6. Research about the industry

Before taking a leap of faith, ensure that you have researched the industry well.

Read insights about the industry, latest trends, news & everything which is there in the market.

This is one big decision of your life, don’t take it that easily.

7. Is it worth it?

Finally, the most important thing you need to be sure about is that, is all of this worth it?

Sometimes people mistake little hassles as an excuse for a career change.

However, there is no such thing as free lunch. There shall be shares of good & bad days in your professional career.

Till the time you don’t feel trapped with no growth, excitement, or zeal to work in a specific company or industry, a career move shouldn’t come in your mind.

Stepwise guide to plan a career move

  1. Figure out what you want to do.
  2. Identify industry you want to shift to.
  3. Weigh if you have the skills required for that specific industry.
  4. Get additional programs on your CV relevant to the field you want to move to.
  5. Identify well-reviewed companies in that industry.
  6. Build a resume that is in sync with the requirements of the industry you shifting to.
  7. Reach out to people in your friend circle who are from the same industry to help you out.
  8. Update your CV on all job providing platforms.
  9. Reach out to HRs of various relevant companies & drop your CV.
  10. Attach a cover letter to your CV whenever you apply to let HR have an idea of why you are planning a career change.

Times are changing around the world, so is the professional market.

Make sure you have thought it through before making any decision related to your career.

Best of luck!

Misna V.K.

HR Blogger

Misna is a seasoned writer and content creator with over 7 years of experience in the field. She is the author of this continually updated career advice blog, serves as an empowering beacon for professional growth, offering readers a wealth of invaluable insights and guidance.

Member since Mar 15, 2021

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