Privilege Leave- Meaning and How to Apply (With Sample)

Misna V.K.
Oct 22, 20237 minutes read

Privilege leaves while extremely popular, are unknown to many. One of the most flexible and employee-friendly office leaves, privilege leaves allow you to be get paid while enjoying long-term leaves.

By definition, privilege leaves are earned leaves credited to employees by the company. These leaves can be used for vacation, as rest-time, marriage leaves or in case of medical emergencies. Since these leaves are long-term, you will have to apply for a minimum of 3 days vacation, 7-14 days in advance.

Curious? Read more to find out all about privilege leaves meaning, how to apply for privilege leaves with samples for privilege leave application.

What are privileged leaves?

These leaves are paid, which means an employee can enjoy these leaves without any salary deductions. They are approved by higher-ups and must be applied for in advance.

Most companies credit employees with privileged leaves at the end of the financial year. While the number of leaves may vary in each company, employees generally get 18 privilege leaves per annum.

You can enjoy the leaves earned in the previous years, and the best part is that these leaves can also be carried forward and collected for up to 3 years, in case you do not wish to use them immediately.

Additionally, these leaves are encashable, and employees can get paid instead of using these leaves. You can also suffix and prefix these leaves with other casual and sick leaves.

How to apply for privilege leaves?

Here are a few steps you can follow to apply for privilege leaves:

1. Plan privilege leaves in advance

To encash privilege leaves, one of the crucial things to remember is to apply for same in advance. While the policy varies, most companies expect you to apply 7-15 days in advance to get privilege leaves approved.

2. Talk to your manager

Since privileged leaves are planned and long-term, the first thing you must do is seek verbal permission from your manager/skip-level manager.

Find a time to connect with them and discuss the duration of your time off. Also, use this time to discuss the work that has to be done on a priority and plan your time before leaves accordingly.

3. Find a temporary replacement

Since you can only take privileged leaves for more than 3 days, it is crucial to have someone in-charge to take care of your responsibilities. So, identify a colleague who may have band-width to take care of your work too, and ask them to be your temporary replacement.

You can also do this by discussing with your manager who can help you find someone to take charge, while you enjoy your earned leaves.

4. Submit a written application

The last and final step to apply for privilege leaves is to write an application. As you draft an application to get your privileged leaves approved, include the reason of leaves, duration of the same, and the rejoining date.

For better clarity, use Privilege leaves application- {Your Name}, as your subject line.

To give you a better idea of what a privilege leave application should look like, here’s a sample.

Privilege leave application sample

Application for using privilege leaves only

Sub: Privilege leave application- Priya

Respected Sir/Mam,

I am writing to inform you about my leave of absence from 04.04.22 to 14.03.22 as I plan a vacation to my hometown with my family next month. I’ll be using 10 out of my total privilege leaves account for the same.

In my absence, Mr. Sharma will look after my clients and deadlines to avoid any major hold-up due to my absence.

I will be rejoining on 15.03.22 positively. Request you to please approve my leaves for 10 days.

Priya Mishra
(Senior Associate- Product development)

Application for using privilege leaves with other leaves

Sub: Privilege leave application- Priya

Respected Sir/Mam,

I’m writing to inform you about the long-term leave I’m planning next month on account of my wedding. I will be on leave from 04.04.22 to 26.04.22. I’ll be encashing 14 privilege leaves in addition to 2 casual leaves for the same.

In my absence, Mr. Sharma will look after my clients and deadlines to avoid any major hold-ups due to my absence.

I will be rejoining on 27.04.22 positively. Request you to please approve my leaves for 22 days at your convenience.

Hope to see you at the wedding!

Priya Mishra
(Senior Associate- Product development)


Having privilege leaves truly feels like a privilege due to its flexible nature. In this blog, we discussed what are privilege leaves, and how you can apply for them.

In case you don’t want to use these privilege leaves, you can speak to your HR and discuss the possibility to encash these or have them carried forward.

We hope you were able to get better clarity about the meaning of privilege leaves and the process to apply for the same.

***All the best! ***

Misna V.K.

HR Blogger

Misna is a seasoned writer and content creator with over 7 years of experience in the field. She is the author of this continually updated career advice blog, serves as an empowering beacon for professional growth, offering readers a wealth of invaluable insights and guidance.

Member since Mar 15, 2021

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