Writing A Job Acceptance Letter: Samples

Misna V.K.
Oct 27, 20237 minutes read

Writing a job acceptance letter on receiving a job offer may not be mandatory.

However, doing so not only reinforces your professionalism but also creates a positive impression on the person at the receiving end.

A job acceptance letter lets you outline the details of the job so that you are clear about your role in the company prior to your joining.

In this blog, check out:

Job acceptance letter samples

Here are some job acceptance letter samples:

Job acceptance letter (Sample 1)

Sub: Acceptance of Job Offer

Dear Mr/Ms {Recipient’s Name},
I extend my gratitude to you for offering me the position of {Title} in {Company’s name}. I am delighted to accept your offer and look forward to commencing work with your company from {Date}.

As we discussed previously, my annual salary will be {salary} and health and insurance benefits will be provided for me and my family from the second month onwards.

Kindly let me know if there is any information or documents that I have yet to submit to you. I hope to complete all the formalities prior to my joining so that I can start my work efficiently.

I thank you again for providing me with this wonderful opportunity. I am excited to be a part of your team and make my notable contribution to it.

Yours Sincerely,
{Your signature}


Job acceptance letter (Sample 2)

Sub: Offer Acceptance Letter

Dear Mr/Ms {Recipient’s Name},
I would like to thank you for the job offer of {Title} that has been offered to me. It makes me more than happy to be able to work for {Company’s name}. Please consider this email as my formal acceptance letter.

Working with a prestigious company like yours is a dream come true for me. I assure to give my best in every task given to me and strive for the goals and objectives of the company as a sincere employee.

Although I am clear about my salary, which is {Amount} per annum, I still have doubts regarding the other benefits such as insurance and medical facilities. Henceforth, I would like to request information on these.

I am fine with the rest of the terms and policies of your company.

Looking forward to our meeting next Monday. I have already sent all the necessary documents through the mail and believe that no paperwork is pending from my side. If there is any document remaining, please let me know.

Feel free to reach out to me at {Email} or at my phone number {xxxx-xxxxxx}

{Your Name}


Job acceptance letter (Sample 3)

Sub: Job Offer Acceptance

Dear Mr/Ms {Recipient’s Name},
Following our discussion on Skype today, I am writing this letter to formally accept the position of {Title} with {Company’s name} that was offered to me by your good self.

I would also take this opportunity to confirm the key terms with you before starting the new job.

As per the agreement, my work will begin at 10 am on {Joining date}. The office will be six days working with alternate Saturdays off.

According to your company’s yearly leave policy, I will be granted 15 leaves in a year, excluding the sick leaves. There will be no leaves during the first six months of probation period.

I would have to work at least 8.5 hours every day. My salary will be {Amount} (INR X in hand) and includes extra pay for working overtime. The additional benefits consist of vision, dental and health insurance which I will be eligible for, after 60 days of my joining.

I am eager to join your company and hope to grow, both as an individual and as a professional. I am looking forward to receiving a confirmation mail regarding the terms and policies mentioned in this letter. Feel free to contact me via mail or contact number. My alternate number is {xxxx-xxxxxx}.

{Your signature}


Job acceptance letter (Sample 4)

Sub: Accepting the Job Offer

Dear Mr/Ms {Recipient’s Name},
In reference to the job offer email dated {Date} confirming my selection for the post of {Title} with {Company}, I wish to thank you for providing me with this opportunity. It is with great pride and gratitude that I accept this position.

As per our conversation, I understand that my salary will be given to me on an hourly basis, with amount {Amount} per hour. My working hours will be a maximum of 40 hours per week, extending from Monday through Friday. The timings will be flexible, from 10 am to 7 pm.

I also wish to confirm my total compensation package which includes {List of benefits}. Please let me know if there is any other policy I need to be aware of.

I am looking forward to working with {Company’s name} from {Joining date}. However, I wish to seek prior permission to attend my brother’s wedding which will be held two months after.

Again, thank you for this amazing opportunity. I believe I am a good match for your company and will be able to make a positive contribution to it.

Yours Sincerely,
{Your Name}


Job acceptance letter (Sample 5)

Sub: Accepting the Job Offer

Dear Mr/Ms {Recipient’s Name},
With great pleasure, I accept the position of {Title} under the guidance of {Supervisor’s name} with {Company’s name}. I am excited to be working with you and the rest of the {Team you will be part of} on this new project.

I believe, my years of experience and knowledge on the subject along with my ability to innovate will let me to actively assist your company in its venture and bridge the set targets efficiently.

As for other terms, my tenure will commence from {Date} and includes two weeks of paid time off. The salary package that I will be receiving is of INR 3.8 lakhs annually.

All the other incentives will be based on my performance and the overtime that I will be doing during my work period.

I wish to personally thank you for making this interview pleasant and comfortable for me. I hope to make notable contributions and successfully assist the company in achieving its set goals and milestones.

I have already posted the signed acceptance letter which will reach you by tomorrow.
Yours Sincerely,
{Your signature}


Job acceptance letter (Sample 6)

Sub: Acceptance of job offer

Dear Mr/Ms {Recipient’s Name},
Thank you {Mr/Ms. Employer} for your time on the phone yesterday. I feel privileged to accept this opportunity to work with you as {Title}. {Company’s name} has been a company I wanted to work with for a long time, and finally being able to do so, I am thrilled.

I understand my initial salary is {Salary Amount}, which will be increased after the quarterly appraisal. I will be working flexibly once a week, the reason for which I have already mentioned during my interview.

My joining date is {Date}, after which, I will be on a probation period of three months. If it is possible, I would love to come to the office and meet the team before this date. It would be very kind of you if you could arrange this and let me know a suitable date.

I appreciate your effort from the bottom of my heart. Thank you again for believing in my abilities and giving me this chance.
Yours Sincerely,
{Your signature}


Tips to write an offer letter acceptance mail

Certainly! Here are six unique tips to help you write an effective offer letter acceptance email:

1. Express gratitude: Begin your email by expressing your sincere appreciation for the offer. Let the employer know that you are grateful for the opportunity and excited to accept the position.

2. Be concise and professional: Keep your email brief, focused, and professional. Use clear and concise language to convey your acceptance. Avoid using unnecessary jargon or overly casual language.

3. Confirm key details: Restate important details mentioned in the offer letter, such as the position title, start date, salary, and any other terms or conditions discussed during the hiring process. This helps ensure that both parties are on the same page.

4. Highlight enthusiasm: Share your enthusiasm for joining the company and becoming a part of the team. Mention specific aspects of the role or the organization that excite you. This shows your genuine interest and eagerness to contribute.

5. Express commitment: Assure the employer of your commitment to the position and your dedication to fulfilling your responsibilities. Let them know that you are ready to hit the ground running and contribute positively to the company's goals.

6. Ask for next steps: Close the email by asking about the next steps in the onboarding process. Inquire about any paperwork, pre-employment checks, or other necessary formalities. This demonstrates your proactive approach and readiness to begin your new role.

Remember to personalize the email according to your specific situation and company. Tailoring the email to reflect your personality and excitement will help leave a positive impression on your new employer.

What to do after acceptance of offer letter?

After accepting an offer letter, there are several important steps you should take:

1. Confirm your acceptance: Once you have verbally accepted the offer, it is crucial to follow up with a written acceptance. Send an email or formal letter to the employer expressing your gratitude for the opportunity and officially confirming your acceptance of the job offer.

2. Review and sign the employment contract: If you haven't received an employment contract along with the offer letter, reach out to the employer to request one. Carefully review the contract, paying attention to the terms and conditions, job responsibilities, compensation, benefits, and any other relevant details. If you have any concerns or questions, seek clarification from the employer or HR department before signing.

3. Communicate with your current employer: If you are currently employed, you will need to notify your employer about your decision to accept a new position. Schedule a meeting with your supervisor or manager to inform them in person, if possible. Be professional and considerate in your communication, expressing your appreciation for the opportunities you've had with your current employer.

4. Complete any required paperwork: Once you have accepted the offer and signed the employment contract, the employer may require you to complete certain paperwork or provide documentation. This could include tax forms, background checks, or verification of your qualifications. Ensure that you promptly provide the necessary information to facilitate a smooth onboarding process.

5. Prepare for the transition: Start preparing for your transition into the new role. This may involve organizing your tasks and projects at your current job, notifying clients or colleagues about your departure, and tying up loose ends. Make a plan for handing over your responsibilities and ensuring a smooth transition for your successor.

6. Stay in touch with the new employer: Maintain regular communication with your new employer or HR department. Keep informed about any pre-employment requirements, such as medical exams or background checks, and promptly provide the necessary information or documentation. Seek clarity on the start date, orientation, and any other details related to your onboarding process.

Remember to maintain professionalism and open communication throughout the process. It's important to start your new job on the right foot and make a positive impression from the beginning.

With this, we hope you are all set to accept that job offer.

In case you need to be double sure about taking that job but are confused in the slightest, read

All the best!

Misna V.K.

HR Blogger

Misna is a seasoned writer and content creator with over 7 years of experience in the field. She is the author of this continually updated career advice blog, serves as an empowering beacon for professional growth, offering readers a wealth of invaluable insights and guidance.

Member since Mar 15, 2021

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