Kooheji Contractors Co. Careers
Kooheji Contractors W.L.L. was started in the year 1973 as a construction and a civil engineering company. Through its dedicated efforts for over 40 years, the company has now become one of the leading names in the industry. Known for providing end to end construction, civil engineering and design services to its customers in Bahrain and the entire MENA region, Kooheji has been successful it making its mark. The company strives for customer satisfaction by delivering high quality services to them consistently at the same time firmly believes in addressing various issues related to Environment, Health & Safety and Quality. It was also one of the first construction companies in Bahrain to implement the Integrated Management System (IMS) certified to ISO 9001:2008, ISO 14001:2004 and OHSAS 18001: 2007 standards.
Kooheja Contractors experience ranges across a variety of industries be it projects related to urban development or industrial and commercial projects. The company strives to maintain a balance of interests of the owners, customer, subcontractors, suppliers, the community and even its employees.
As an employer, the company is proud of its dedicated people accrediting them as the reason behind its success. Kooheja Contractors keeps adding people who possess the expertise and knowledge of different geographic markets and have a great sense of timeliness in delivering projects. If you possess these qualities, then Kooheja is the place for you.
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