Check instructor’s availability and filling free slots on daily basis by booking training for waitlisted and stopped students as per the set standard operating procedure.
Following up with the calls, emails and Tickets from the call center and other departments and keeping a note of the student requirements.
Communication for Classes Conformation to Students on daily basis and guiding them to respective counters with required documents.
Activating the booked students on daily basis and keeping their training sheets ready to be sent to trainers; handing out the important T&C related to training to the students.
Giving a brief description of the processes involved to the newly scheduled students about their journey of training, extending classes before parking, payments etc. on the first day of training.
Taking the stop file request of the students.
Handling the walk-in customers and assisting them within the company policy.
Responsible for the utilization of the trainers under their respective course.
Following up with the stopped students on daily basis and guiding them to make their payments and start training.
Following up with students who are Waitlisted or Stopped more than 6 Months or 1 Year and offer them discount scheme Removal of pass students training sheets on daily basis and submitting it to the respective staff for filing.
Periodically checking the waitlisted students and making sure that they have been called within the given waiting period time.
Re-arranging student’s classes if trainer proceeds on emergency leave or vacation. Periodically updating the remarks column of waitlisted students if not ready to start.
Keep the supervisor posted about the demand of the trainers.
Changing the course of the students as per their convenience in case the student encounters some difficulty.
Helping the students in Driving Centre Test bookings as per availability.
Transfer the Students documents from one branch to another if they wish to change the training location.