Prepare Cost Comparison sheet and the corresponding budget assigned by Cost Control Department.
Assigning the finish date for Procurement Engineer's task, set ahead from the planned date in Procurement Internal Process List and to assure compliance with these dates.
Arranging post tender meeting with short listed Suppliers/Sub-Contractors including negotiation and preparing minutes of meeting.
Following up for the signature of Letter of Intents and Sub-Contract Agreements with the Sub-Contractors.
Preparing Procurement internal process list for Sub-Contractors and supplier's including the update on weekly basis.
Ensures correctness of Sub-Contract details with the project requirements as per the specifications.
Efficient handling of the procurement requirement of projects assigned to;
Efficient and prompt retrieval of records by the EDMS.
Negotiating with Suppliers/Sub-Contractor's to obtain best commercial and technical offer.
Sign off a Cost Comparison Sheet.
Issuing Correspondences and letter for bidders as tender clarification only.
Finalizing the Sub-Contract Agreements with Sub-Contractors and prepare the same for Management review and approval.