Global Access Cars Automobile Trading LLC Careers
The first-class destination for second-hand cars!
CARS24 is your single stop for buying or selling used cars. We've brought together cutting-edge technology with world and country-wide partners and more importantly, a deep understanding of what buyers and sellers need. We solve all pain points associated with selling an existing car, or purchasing a pre-loved one. Whether you're buying or selling, you get a quick, easy, fair, transparent, hassle (and haggle) free process, with a guarantee of top service and quality.
Founded in India in 2015, we’ve now established ourselves in the United Arab Emirates. We are registered under the legal entity - Global Access Cars Automobile Trading LLC.
We are a next generation and fast growing ecommerce platform valued at over $1 billion dollars, aiming to revolutionise the way pre-owned cars are bought in the UAE.
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